hello i've been tryin to get my55hp monk and so far i've got everything so far except Shield of Judegement so if anyone wants to help me get it ( would be much appreciated i dont have much money but i'll give you's what i can if i get the skill
i'll be on at around 9-11gmt and my chars called Jermiah Knut i'll be in citadel or in cantha but pm me if u need me
This is really easy to get with Henchies that is how I got it and it is up there with all the bosses.I wouldn't use a 55 to go up there and get with at first.
1: Take it slow.
2: Ask some friends to come.
3: Look if anyone else in Citadel is going to cap one of the skills there.
4: PM Me ingame if you realy are stuck.(IG=Draco Hunt)