How to eat the skill and pain eater, Ranger style
Ok first off this is my first farming thread so go easy on me. Second, I hope this is usful. Alright here we go. ( I'll try and post stats and everything tomorrow). We will be hunting the pain eater and skill eater that drop Rit offhand weapons. Heres how to get. there
Ranger: stats and equipment
Druids armor (what else)
Long bow is best but flat bow will work try to get a lengthen posion string on there makes it easier but not necessary.
ok the quick stats that is, only ranger skills are 11 expertise, 11WS, 13Marksmen( could put more into expertise if u want)
1.posion arrow ELITE
2.distracting shot
4.Whirling D the wind (might change to apply posion I'll explain why in a sec) reflexes
7.storm chaser
Ok if u look at the link above u will see the bosses are not far from the eternal grove but the run is a pain! only because of mesmers that slow u down and hit u with massve degen. So I just recently switched my elite with spell breaker and RTW with apply posion, makes the boss battle a little more dificult but gives u a much better chance of gettin there, anyways u decide.
now, once u get there pull the two undergrowths away and kill them, just keep WD up while posioning them and they will fall fast. now if u have too kill the necro guys fo for it. Ok now hit 1 of the bosses, they will begin to cast their spirits let them, when they are done pull them away from spirits, THIS IS KEY.
sometimes u can pull 1 but usually both will come which is ok if u pulled them out of their spirit range now hit WD also, always have posion on, when WD end use lighting reflexes keep troll up, u should be able to kill 1 of them before their spirits recharge, distracting shot will buy u some time. once 1 falls the other will cast his spirts, just run away he will go back and u can kill his spirits and them finish him! thats it, I know its not the best build but its my fist one since my guild broke up and I have not been able to do any pvp latly. so tell me what u think.