Ettin run with solo MM
I am sure that others have done this before, but I had some fun last night solo running a fairly ordinary 16 death/Flesh Golem/Bone Fiend N/Mo MM build through the standard Beetletun/Ascalon Settlement Ettin rune run.
I was surprised at how simple the run was. You can kill absolutely everything there including the Mergoyles at the start.
When you get to Ascalon Settlement, you can pull the first group of Ettins over to the Ascalon Guards and either a guard or an Ettin will end up dead quickly so you can get a Flesh Golem up fast. You can also use the numerous Lynxs to raise a few minions along the way as well.
I didn't get anything really good - the best was a major vigor along with a couple of fairly worthless gold runes, but it was fun and made a change from a SS build on Trolls/Griffons/Minataurs and Hydras.
Not quite as fast as it used to be when you could run a smite build there without the Ettins running away!, but not too slow either.