Jun 14, 2006, 01:14 AM // 01:14
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: cracker ville
Guild: sacred alliance of tyr
Profession: W/Mo
hello everyone.(waites for feed back) *no reply*
o well anyways.
my idea
a corpration, you kow how when u post your PL or running, and you get Pm like 50 times by 50diff ppl, kinda hard to keep track off huh?
or when you get those funn scammers that just love to rip you off...PL and dich, runn and run some more.
possibley a bit of stupid anyoing people that just love to bug you until you die becuse they dont shut up. then insult you becuse you died..... quote "noob, you suck, call your slef a PRO"
mabey when you cant get any custimers becuse no one thinks your pro or have skills or thinks your noob.
well anyways my idea is hopefuly put an end to all that crap. that makes us people of hard work, like runners and PL, thats an awufly lot of time and effort you know sometimes not that much Pay either.
well, im just here to get some feedback on my idea befor I acculty start it up, kinda pointless if no one will join or anyone knows about it..
my idea, to star up a type of bussness for runners,Power levers, and alot of other proff.
becuse for one if your in a well known corp your likely to get more custimers wich means more $$$$
gets rid of the whole getting called a noob and no one wants to join your runing party or make a Pl team.
anther reason this will Stop in-game harrasment, by seting up in-forum arrangement, inwich the Pl will contact that person, not that person contact the PL (wich will couse comotion.)
a great reason for my idea is that you get scamed notify the site or forums(the corp/bussnies) of that person and to be on the NO-SERVICSE list under types of fellinies
such as scamming harasment or just beingin a jerk....
so anyone in that lsit that has their name their will not be givin service until the money owed or appolygy has been given to the person/persons.
theres so much more to this plese give sopme feed back so i know weither to start my idea up or not
Constructive critizsiem! plese
i know i know my spelling sucks hehe
Jun 14, 2006, 02:51 AM // 02:51
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Augury Rock
Guild: Xen of the Pacific [XoO]
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I can tell english is your first language, but you aren't very good at it, but you've acknowledged it... but try using MS Word's spell check. (:
Secondly, this is a running guild, except with a fancy forum thats got no consumer base because if someone wants a runner, they usually don't go to the Internet and schedule an appointment 3 days later. This won't stop any scamming unless you have space on your list for every single person in Tyria, including all their other characters (if not on your ignore list--which must be shared).
Lastly, please don't call yourself "PRO RUNAR" if you aren't really PRO at RUNARing. Every member of the group has the right to PM you offensive messages until you put them on ignore for easily losing the run, because you've effectively SCAMMED THEM. They want to pay for the Pro Runar, they won't pay for an amateur.
My advice is to just join a running guild, but what credebility will any organization give you to a random person needing a run to droks? They couldn't care less, and cause you got a fancy XyZ (or whatever) in your name doesn't mean you're any good of a runner to them. :]
Jun 14, 2006, 03:32 PM // 15:32
Forge Runner
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Thornill, ON, Canada
Profession: W/R
As a corporation or business, you should know that "employees" must be trained. Are you going to train all of your employees?
If you only take professional runners into your organization, then how do you know they are not scammers, trying to scam you?
How do you advertise your business? There isn't a legal regulating body that will say "yes XXZ is an approved Running guild/business." So you'll have to advertise (eeek! more SPAM in the cities).
It's a nice idea, but not practicle. There is no Better Business Bureau in GW, so if you do create one, others might do it just to scam.
Jun 15, 2006, 07:05 PM // 19:05
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
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This is paladin changed my E-mail to much spam in the other one shwichd most the stuff into my new one i forogt my password to Guru and i got angry at the change password thingy, so i just made a new one.....
Although im kinda disapointed that only 2 people replyed... but then again its always better then just nothing, both points well taken, Im just trying to see what i can do to make this Corp/bussnes or What ever you wish to call it, and also, about the traning, 1st they setup an APP in forum, stating waht they can do ect ect, now I or (some one trusted) will ask for a demstration, if they suck well offer some help tranning wise, tips, demstrations, ect ect, if they are good we will ask them IN person to join our corp/busnes,
also about the running guild no-no-no XXY certifed bla bla bla crap im thinking of a NON-guild corp so everyone can stay in their current guild or join the one i made if they dont like that one...
adn the bann list of scammers heheh ty for bringing that up, ok, now to do that we take screen shots of offensive
things said, such as beining mean,scamming leaving when runn/Pl is over, theres is going to be a kinda contract to sing if you in anway scam us at all you cann not get service from us again, unless the Pl/runner dose not finish the job then you WILL get your money back.
so with prof of immage and a contract singd and in our hands we have the bennifit of the law so if we so mabey sent this into guildwars main site, mabey they can do a thing or to about it
plese if you see anymore of flaws in my idea do not be affraid to point out i will not be offended, unless said in an unkindly manner, thank you for both of your inputs to my idea guys/girls (
erm wer u get that spell check
Jun 15, 2006, 07:35 PM // 19:35
Forge Runner
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Thornill, ON, Canada
Profession: W/R
Hey Paladin Of Tyr (Is that from D&D?)
I assume from your latest reply, you require money first, prior to the run, am I correct? (FOB running point, as to FOB Destination Point)
Is there a set amount of money per trip? (obviously depends on point of origin and destination)
The contract between runner and rider(s) isn't something like 100% success, never die, etc. Because it would be a shame if you are fifteen steps away from Droks (or another city) and you die by something stupid like poison, or bleeding, or lag. Then the passengers run over your dead body and say, we demand our money back because you died, then run into the city (not before taking a screen shot of your dead body). Or if the entire group dies, but resurrects right infront of the destination city, but because the runner died, do they get the money back?
As stated before, I assume that money is given at the beginning to avoid the passenger(s) scamming the honest runner.
Lol, what if you train a runner to do runs, then they say "thanks for the info, bye", and leave the corporation? Opportunistic scum.
Please note, I've never pointed out flaws in your idea. I'm just making sure that there isn't anything you've forgotten. As they say, "two, or in our case three heads are better than one."
Jun 15, 2006, 11:27 PM // 23:27
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
Profession: W/
lol nope, but you'r close. I got it from Neverwinter nights i love that game I cant waite till 3 come out.
but anways to the point!
Your first questoin, yes but only half.(it realy dpens on how much your paying really, and how many trips your taking)
and your second, yeah ther is going to be a set ammout (dose depend on your location) hopefuly im working on a set of fixed proce that will cahnge weekly depending on prce change.
and yes its kinda a shame to do that ive done that befor im close to the door of droks and bam im stuck in a pile of
of trolls, but thats when i had dialup.... i dont get lag to much anymore now though got dsl :P
but yes in those types of situations that would not apply, becuse if that dose happen i guse im goning to have to set that up in the contract that like he hes close to the desitnation like 90% there, but if you die there gonna ahve to do it again and again till they get it, and how come noe one has brought up the other issue of power leveling, i mentiond it, anyone got a thing or to to add to that?
and for the traning thingy im gonna hve to make them contruite in some way so at least we got something out of it... no in $ but in like custimer service :P such as handeling the angery ppl heheh no j/k but they are gonna have to help out in some way.
and i thank all of you for your input plese keep it up :P
i dont mind you you point out flows just do it it ina nice way heheh, like the 2heads thingy :P
Jun 16, 2006, 12:55 AM // 00:55
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
Profession: W/
Alright, I think im going to start it up although I dont know were to start, any other things i can do to improve my idea please tell, you can give a few places to help me out like a good place to setup a free site with a good ammount of space and bandwith, besides free webs I treid it I dindt like it....
Jun 16, 2006, 03:30 PM // 15:30
Forge Runner
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Thornill, ON, Canada
Profession: W/R
If I'm not mistaken, Neverwinter Nights is D&D (the 12th D&D game on PC I think).
The reason why I never mentioned Power Leveling is because I never do it. I've never helped people power level, nor have I had someone power level me.
A question about how the corporation stays in business. A real business needs money to pay for expenses. A virtual corporation may have expenses too (your time to maintain the site, space to find a free web-site to create in, etc.), so does the corporation get any "virtual money"?
Lol, how about worker's comp? "I've got crippling on me. I'm now on Worker's compensation because my Running is over. "
Does your internet provider allow you to have X MB of free space for web-pages?
So if people want a runner or a power leveler, they must request it from your web-site, which you will have them sign an agreement and a waiver stating that if their character dies, they must accept full responsibility, as the runner or the power leveler is not responsible for their safety. Am I right? Then the corporation designates a runner to meet the customer at a specific time and place. What happens if the customer doesn't show? Or what happens if your employee forgets to show up?
Jun 16, 2006, 07:05 PM // 19:05
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
Profession: W/
well i dont care what one it is >_< (yes its on PC) as long as it kiks butt(cant do other one cencored!) i dont care!!!!!! lol
well to the point...(thank you for endlesy pointing out things my brain likes to forget )
alrighty *cracks nkucles* "ermm*clears throught*"
OK! i tihnk im ready.... oh no waite no im not need to use bathroom *you hear a water noise in the distance, then a flush, folowed by a zzzip*
ok now im ready!
now the pointment thingy yes we will cointact the custimer, and, if the custmer dose not show, now these's times are made by the custemer, not by corp, we will try to get to their time(their time zone hast to be put becuse then we need to know what time to get to them )
i already have a teamspeak server im using wich the PL,and runners can join to keep up with everything alot easyer,(custimers CAN use this server it is recomend but you dont need to, also for PL,runners)
and as for the vitual money thing, no not really no "extra charges"
and as for time and matince ive done alot of work with websites i know how to work HTML i will be doing most of the work but help is always welcome
and for the safety in running it dose not matter if their, their discion to die or live(just dont agro all the monstys tward the runner..) (as in not the runner) becuse they do not to be alive to gain anything, as for PL if they die, obviolsy use a rez spell.....
Last edited by skills4kills; Jun 16, 2006 at 07:12 PM // 19:12..
Jun 16, 2006, 08:00 PM // 20:00
Forge Runner
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Thornill, ON, Canada
Profession: W/R
Too much info (re:bathroom break).
Sometimes the customer has "emergencies" and cannot log-on, or ends up helping a guildie or whatever, so is there a time limit as to when the runner gives up waiting or is the runner/power leveler given any compensation for waiting for someone who never shows? Or the opposite, is there any compensation for the customer if the runner/power leveler doesn't show (ie: internet provider is down, runner/PL couldn't get to computer in time, etc.)?
As for Virtual Money, I was wondering if the runner/PL gets a percentage, and there is something going to the corporation. Perhaps not I guess.
Keep up the idead, it sounds interesting and I'm sure once everything gets up and running (no pun intended), your business will be talked about throughout the global community.
Jun 17, 2006, 03:55 AM // 03:55
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
Profession: W/
o well ill just join them :P
Jun 25, 2006, 08:33 AM // 08:33
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Guild: True Gods of War [True]
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Maybe this belongs in Sardelic. I dont know, i speak english not Bork! Bork! bork!
Jul 01, 2006, 04:07 AM // 04:07
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
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there shut donw muahahahaha, no everone just left, so i was thinging of my idea again some one, and whats bork?
Jul 04, 2006, 01:11 PM // 13:11
Forge Runner
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Thornill, ON, Canada
Profession: W/R
Originally Posted by skills4kills
there shut donw muahahahaha, no everone just left, so i was thinging of my idea again some one, and whats bork?
It's the Swedish Chef!
Gotta love that closed eyed Chef. As well as the no-eyed Scientist and Good old Beaker.
Jul 04, 2006, 07:32 PM // 19:32
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
Profession: W/
I still dont know! but WTH!!!
Jul 04, 2006, 07:49 PM // 19:49
Forge Runner
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Thornill, ON, Canada
Profession: W/R
Jul 04, 2006, 08:06 PM // 20:06
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
Profession: W/
Oh the mupets I havent watch those in a few years I hink i should watch em again for old memories :P
yeah I hope it dose if i can ever get off my ass and do it
I AM DOING IT! ASLONG AS I CAN GET 10-14 PPL INTERESTED!!! I POSETED!!! JOIN THE UNION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
do it!
Last edited by skills4kills; Jul 07, 2006 at 12:51 AM // 00:51..
Jul 13, 2006, 05:59 PM // 17:59
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: im infront of my computer dumbass
Guild: Viking brotherhood [VHB]
Profession: W/
Ok you can Go ahead and delet this Thred Its not going anywhere, Besides Im putting off the idea for awhile..thank god i didnt make a guild for it...lol
Jul 13, 2006, 06:56 PM // 18:56
Forge Runner
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Thornill, ON, Canada
Profession: W/R
Don't delete the thread!
I'm trying to refer people who want to know how to do runs and power leveling to his thread.
Schooling people, I mean teaching people is still a good cause for the Union.
If we can get more people interested in how to do these things, then we can get the GW economy working again. Lets face it, there are people out there who have more money than patients. Why should those who have the skill and no money suffer and why should people with no patients and lots of money suffer? Lets get the two to meet and have a nice exchange of money for services again.
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