-Never have more str than weapon mastery, and never have less than 14 weapon mastery.
-It's allright if you literaly have nothing else, but in the long run Warrior's Endurence is a very poor elite. For axe PvE Triple Chop [e] and Cleave [e] amoung others are good. Weapon Mastery-linked elites are FTW.
-Do yourself a favor and unlock Flail with Balthazar Faction. You can't actually buy it untill late in the game, but it's hard to beat. IAS is FTW.
-Since your weapon mastery will be higher, go with attacks in your weapon's like. Exe Strike, and Dismember. Actually, don't leave home without dismemeber. Deep Wound, like IAS is very much FTW.
-Healing Prayers: skip those on a PvE warrior, unless you're soloing. For Party play, Healing Signet, or Lion's Comfort is all you need, it's a team game, and you will have a monk. If you trust your monks, you don't even need that self-heal.
-Unless you're tanking in DoA, or soloing, leave Dolyak at home. The self-snare keeps you from moving to intercept mobs, and from moving from monster to monster. (It might be ok if you don't pump str like mad)
-"Watch Yourself!" and "Sheild's Up!" are great defensive skills. If those skill buffs last week, a single defensive stance might be worthwhile as well.
-For soloing, meh, whatever works. Just remember that the goal is not "Hey, I could tank 10000000 more of these" It's to kill stuff as fast as you can with a semblence of depandability. Once you hav e a build in mind, just give it a shot with slightly lower defense and more offense, go 14, 13 str, with higher weapon mastery, and see how it ends up