Well I have known this for quite a while but i feel you can benefit from it most now because of the free access. For the price of 25k I am willing to show you how to one man uw with almost any build. If you are interested then message me in game my ign is Glorified Death. For those that know dont spoil it and let them figure it out for themselves. Well thats it 1 man uw for almost any build for the price of 25k i would reccomend if your planning to learn it then you take avdantage of the free access this weekend.
Btw mods if this is wrong section can you plz move for me.
I think he's referring to using Benton, which I figured out accidentally when I was trying to run off the aggro of a cow in UW with my SS. I was able to kill 2 aatxes and then go res the monk by myself. Nothing worth paying 25k for....