I am sure you all know the D/A droks runner. It is the fastest but it is not the saftest. D/mo is... If the D/A hits a trap in lonars is if not going to live much longer. As the D/mo hits a trap it uses purge then put VoS back up and keeps running. The D/A is a funner build for me and faster. For me its all about the speed. SOOOO what i am asking is there any one out there that knows how to avoid the traps is there special loactions where they are put up. Also do you think i should stick to the D/Mo for the saftey if there are no tricks for the traps. I will post the build If you ask..... Thanks
What he might be saying is that yes both D/A and D/Mo can run, but do you think he should go D/Mo or just go D/A even tho it isnt as safe. I would go D/A but stay away from any pinesols and their patrol (usually not too big). Its just ur personnal preference...
You should be able to survive even when hitting a trap.... I run Droks all the time on my Dervish, sometimes hit a trap, and hp never drops below 60%...
pinesouls + traps < dash given the situation that the pinesoul has NOT laid down muddy terrain yet... most ppl use dash to "minesweep" traps meaning u run through them w/o taking the effects
I was just wondering, what's a good d/mo runner build for general all around running. Sanctum cay, desert etc. I am guessing like avatar of balth as the elite but don't know much else.