So what else can touch rangers do?
I think all of us have seen at least one thread in the forums stating to nerf the touch rangers. This is usually because people are on the recieving end of a touch ranger in RA or AB(including Aspenwood). Put simply, touch rangers seem to do very well at this. Their self healing ability is awesome when they are alowed their mobility, and they can easily disable any melee enemies. Not to mention, they can penetrate most enemy defences (Protective Spirit, Bonneti's Defence). This seems like it would be a great solo PvE build...
But does anyone infact use it that way?
Ive heard that a complete Team Areanas team of Touch Rangers sucks as well, but Ive had a team of 4 touchers beat the crap out of me in AB, so wouldnt it work in TA as well?
Touch rangers are the new well designed build, which unfortunantly happens to annoy players. 55 monk was also an extreemly well designed build. The only difference is that 55 monks dont tend to kill other players so nobody complains.
So what else can this build do? Has anyone used it anywhere else besides AB and RA? Perhaps with these comments we can get a better view of the build, and why it shouldnt be nerfed(like the 55 monk) for being well designed.