just a quick question... cause i never really see it explained when people list builds like this...
i'm also trying to build a Warrior/Elementalist char with hammers and lots of knock-down.
what exactly is the elementalist... and points in earth magic for?
All i ever see people list their hammer attacks, or tactic stances. where are the actual elemetalist abilities? and or... what from elementalist is used, needed and or sort of working for you...
i'm fairly new to this game, so i apologize if i've said something insanely n00b-ish there. i just don't see the Elementalist part being explained a lot. it's always babbling over which hammer attacks to bring.
with W/monk it seems straight forward... i mean, you take the monk to bring the healing. or certain smiting abilities. what's being brought along from elementalist.
why is 10 pts in the magic school...the standard. what does 10 pts give access to that say... 5 or 9 pts wouldn't
and how is the earth magic used in conjuction with the warrior/hammer abilities to really make that template ...so popular.
thanks for any replies.