It depends on whether you mean PvE or PvP.
For PvE, you can basically spread attribute points across your warrior attributes, yes. Or just focus on weapon and either strength or tactics, it depends on what skills you want to use. Bascially the only thing you must think of is that you don't want to put too much into your secondaries (some people put 8 in healing prayers and then use Mending, for example... don't do that). There are some exceptions, such as Conjure X builds where you want to put 12 in Fire Magic or whatever. In PvE you have two main jobs: aggro management/tanking, and chasing down individual powerful mobs (healers etc).
For PvP, you should put 16 in your weapon attribute (12 base, +1 for helmet, +3 for superior rune), then 9 in your shield attribute (usually strength), then the rest according to what skills you want to bring. There is less flexibility here since a PvP warrior who can't do damage is plain useless, since it's not possible to tank in PvP.
Really in both cases it mostly depends on what skills you want to bring. Choose your attributes so that you get the most out of your skills.