Rt Builds in Torment areas
I recently started back on my Rit after getting bored of Spirit bombing in factions (sorry :P), i never really gave it a chance, trying out other builds like Channeling as like others i didnt really understand the skills. Now on nightfall i have a new found love for my Rt's skills more so in channeling with some Spirit bombing.
I fought all the way to the end game & now enjoying the torment gate areas but cant find the right build for these areas. i have a perfect mes build that pwn's same for my warrior too but with my Rt im struggling.
I've tried builds like Sig of Srength with warmongers etc & sig of spirits for bombing. but with average results. i figured as Razah the Rt hero was from the torment areas that there must be some good counter builds for the foes in these areas. are there any tried & tested builds you use in gate explorables? (DoA not included i try that another time)