A/N - Repeating Strikes Build - AB
A/N - AB Build
15 Dagger Mastery(mask + sup rune)
10 Deadly Arts (minor rune)
9 Shadow Arts (minor rune)
9 Critical Strikes (minor rune)
best vigor rune if you can afford it
shrouded armor for energy
zealous daggers or daggers while enchanted with armor pen
Jagged Strike - Lead Attack
Wild Strike - Offhand - must follow a lead attack
Repeating Strike - Offhand - must follow another offhand
Way of the Empty Palm [E] - offhands cost no energy
Expose Defenses - target foe cannot block or evade your attacks
Siphon Speed - target moves 33% slower adn you move 33% faster
Shadow Refuge - self heal
Plague Touch - condition removal
Expose defences is used on your target that has evade/blocking skill on (ranger,warriors)
Siphon Speed is for kiters and for getting away yourself if in trouble
plague touch to remove conditions
Jagged(causes bleeding) ---> wild strike ---> repeating --->empty palm[e] ---> repeating -->repeating......
i used jagged as my lead because of its low cost and fast recharge, wild strike to be able to use repeating and low cost fast recharge
i choose way of the empty palm as my elite to be able to spam repeating non-stop until target foe is dead
ideas, suggestions, comments welcome
will make thread more organized/better looking