Newbie to PvP
Ok, after a short stent away from the game i've decided to pick it back up and try out PvP. So, i'm ditching most of the PvE strategies (of course) and looking at what I can do with my Monk, with the help of guides such as the Boon Prot guide, i've narrowed things down a good bit.
So far i've got a decent setup for armor and the cookie cutter prot build, however i'm not familular with other builds PvP wise (if any) for Monking.
Protection Prayers - 8 + 1 + 1
Divine Favor - 12 + 1 / 12 + 1 + 3 (When Casting Boon)
Inspiration Magic - 10
Judge's Chest w/ 20% Less Dazed & 20% Less Deep Wound
Ascetic's Handwraps w/ +30 HP
Judge's Leggings w/ +1 Divine Favor
Ascetic's Sandals w/ Attunement +2 Energy
Katana +5 Energy w/ 19% Longer Enchants & Prot Icon 20/20 Cast / Charge
Protective Rod +15 / -1 & Jeweled Chalice +15 / -1
Katana -5 Energy w/ +5 Defense (or +29HP?) & Tattered Fan -5 Energy
???? w/ +45 / -2 Enchant Shield
1. Mantra of Recall
2. Divine Boom
3. Reversal of Fortune
4. Guardian
5. Protective Spirit
6. Mend Condition
7. Holy Veil
8. Contemplation of Purity
Suggestions and what not are appreciated, i'm sure the armor will probably be an issue. Its just what i've had for alittle while now in PvE and seems to work decently. Just didn't really wanna buy two new sets of armor if I didn't have to (+AL Enchant & +HP)