Destructive Chop would be used in a team spike not a solo spike. Losing all adren and energy means you've totally screwed yourself over. but you still do around 140 damage + deep wound since its always critical. Follow that with other spike skills like Lightning Orb and Dual Shot/Punishing Shot and you have a pretty powerful spike.
Flail is a brilliant skill. In PvE it basically gives warriors a permanent IAS since nothing kites you and if something moves you can just use Rush/Sprint, catch up and activate Flail again. In PvP it could possibly be used as a spike IAS (maybe for Destructive Chop). If things are on the floor due to Shock, 33% slower move speed isn't gonna make a difference. Brilliant for secondary warriors too if they can ensure more than 4 hits in 5 seconds, which some builds should easily be able to do. Zergling Assassins would make this skill into a perma 33% IAS, Barrage Rangers could do the same.