Review my build
I was looking at an alternate approach to the standard mesmer ranger inturrept builds. This is what ive got so far.
Earth Magic 12+2
Curses 10
ES 8
Stoneing 15 1 5
You send a flurry of stones at target foe. If they hit, the stones strike for 20-76 earth damage. If target foe is suffering from weakness, that foe is knocked down.
Stone Daggers 5 1 0
You send out two stone daggers. If it hits, each stone dagger strikes for 3-20 earth damage.
Obsidian Flame 5 2 5
Deal 22-94 damage to target foe. This spell ignores armor. This spell causes exhaustion.
Ward Against Melee 10 1 20
You create a ward against melee at your current location. For 8-18 seconds, allies in this area have a 50% chance to evade melee attacks.
Ward Against Elements 15 1 20
For 8-18 seconds, nearby allies gain +24 armor against elemental damage.
Earth Attunement 10 2 60
For 36-55 seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 30% of the energy cost of the spell each time you use Earth Magic.
Enfeeble 5 1 5
Target suffers from weakness for 5-17 seconds.
Lingering Curse (Elite) 25 3 10
Sacrifice 10% max health. Target foe loses all enchantments. For 8-18 seconds, target foe gains only half health from healing spells. This is an elite skill.
The main idea of this build would be to keep enfeeble on someone while spamming Stoning to knock them down/inturrept. You could provide a nice ring of defense for your group with both the ward skills. Finally you would be great for calling targets, not only can you knock them down so they cant escape but you can remove all enchantments and make healing useless on them with lingering curse. I know mana would likely be a problem on this character and it would have to be managed carefully, but with alittle pratice you should be very effective.