Can someone that's had a W/Mo build and knows what it's all about please help me answer this question; I take mele damage real well, but when it comes to casters I die easily. So I bought an Axe Grip of Warding(+7) which replaced my fortitude I had in. What I'm not sure about, is if this is better for a warrior or whether the extra +30 health would help me out more then the armor vs elemental attacks. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
It would be best to have 3 different axes, 1 with fortitude for degen enemies, 1 with +7 vs ele damage, 1 +7 vs physical damage. Or go with 2 axes, 1 with fortitude for degen and 1 with +5 vs everything.
Best grips are probably +5 armor and +30HP. +5 armor will work out to preventing more than 30 HP damage easily. However +30 HP helps more vs degen and armor bypassing attacks/spells. I would go with the +5 armor over the +7 vs elemental. The universal bonus is worth the +2 armor difference.