When you use it when you are in trouble you can be pretty sure you wont be interupted. a rangers reaction time+arrow flight time+lag delay, in normal situations wont be able to inerupt it in time. pre-emptive interuptions can hit interrupt it, but it you take a 1 second break after every spell, thats not likely to happen. Healing seed takes 2 seconds to cast, and can only be cast on others, so its better to be cast on the targeted before he gets too low on health. Warrior monks often cast it on themselves because they get a lot of -20 attacks on them. As for enchantment stripping, its onlikely that it will be used for any enchantment that only lasts for 10 seconds or less. Enchantment strip have high recasting time and before the stripper has reacted and cast the spell, most of the enchantments time has already passed. Most strippers think that there will be more important enchantments to strip(certain builds rely on certain preperation enchantments like attunement and aura of the lich, simply stripping those can make certain builds almost completely useless).