Well there are two main types of spikers: Magic Spike and Ranger Spike
Magic spike can be done very differently:
Common Forms are:
Elementalist Lightning Builds (Air Spike, Using Lightning Orb, Chain lightning, etc)
Earth Spikes(Obsidian Flames)
Feasto of Corruption Spike - basically a lot of necros subdueing their opponents to hexes and then using FoC(Feast of Corruption) as the spike to do a LOT of damage, very nice when used with Arcane Mimicry
The common Melee Spikes:
Ranger Spike: my favorite of the spikes(I'm a ranger =))
Done as such:
Duel Shot->Quickshot-> Followed up with savage shot, all done in under 2 seconds with Orders up to buffer damage along with spirits and vampiric bowstrings so each ranger can do about 50 damage an arrow, or 200 per