Possible PvE & PvP Summonter Build?
Well, lately im heavily addicted to casters and combination of skills for max dmg and survivability in mainly pve. I have been lvling my necro, and been thinking of some tweaks for my future summoner build.
I have spent about 2 hrs (YES, after using SEARCH feature), pouring through posts on different summoner builds. I have an idea for a max dmg output summoner, but these are my troubles: works mainly only if minions actually get attacked, and energy may be an issue if deaths dont occur fast enough.
So, IF assuming in PvE they will be attacked, this skill set would help survivability and mass dmg...
Mark of Pain
Spiteful Spirit (or Price of Failure?)
Deathly Swarm
Verata's sacrifice
Blood of the Master (or Heal Area??)
Taste of Death
Animate Bone Horror
Animate Bone Fiend (or a curse. etc??)
16 Death
? Blood
10+ Soul Reaping
So basically, you would have a descent little mob of minions... i would stick with horrors to body block and force target to hit em. With this mob attacking, i would caste Mark of Pain and Spiteful Spirit on a target or on others in enemy mob. This is doing dmg to ALL adjecant foes each time target attacks and takes hits, area dmg occurs from two sources...
This ensures i can deal with mobs descently well, just keep minions alive with Verata's, and Heal Area if secondary is Monk. Self heal with Taste of Death, and suppliment area dmg with Deathly swarm.
Be kind, i am new to this forum, this is my first post here, and sorry it was so long! lol SUGGESTIONS NEEDED for questioned skills (paranthesis) and possible Energy problem. Ideas, input, and critiques WANTED!!! Also, now that i think about it, prob wont work all that great in pvp. arenas maybe.