this isn't really a shut down build, Its an energy bomb build. More effective vs eles. Against a smite build, go with counter damage. Much more effective, as most monks are smart enough to have easily reknewable enrgy sources (e.g. Offering of blood).
If you want a shut down build, you'd need skills that actually "shut down" your enemies.
Try the following skills:
Arcane Theivery
POWER BLOCK! wow, this one is a must for smiters, healers, or any other monks.
Energizing Wind (your allies might hate you for it though)
Res Signet
Back Fire (Not shut down, but good anyhoo)
You'll have to remember though that your job is not to drain energy, so don't spam your spells.
Pace them so that once the disabled skills are recharged, your disable them again. Backfire is Allowed to be spasticaly cast though. Its just in case you mess up.