Should people test out builds in PvP before posting them up?
I see a lot of people posting PvP builds that they haven't actually tried. A few of the more knowledgable posters on this board will then look at the build and pick it apart.
I think it would be useful when people posted up builds for PvP or PvE to state whether or not they have actually used it and what the results were. As it is, I see a lot of people making up builds that are flawed or a simply not possible (by adding skills that rely on your secondary class' primary ability or by equipping two elites, for example).
Anyway, that's just how I see it. I don't see anything wrong about making up builds and posting them here, but it would just be really helpful to me if it is stated if the build was actually used or not.
Also, sometimes I see people...well....bragging. Sort of like this: "My N/W can destroy 3 sand drakes in under 20 seconds with 90% health!". That's great, but without supplying the build you use, it doesn't mean anything to me or anyone else.