Warrior Raptor Farm build
Ok this build is for farming Raptor nestlings just outside of Rata Sum.
You will need 14 strength 15 tatics or more
Tatics 12+1+2
Strength 12+2
Anyways the build is Glads defense,Deadly Ripo,Dolyak sig,Sig of stamina,Protecters defence, Defensive stance, Healing sig, Sprint.
Alot of people use the w/rt build but this works too. it might be slow sometimes but it works.
Got a req 10 ele sword on my first try with this build.
Ok when you leave for riven earth there is a big cave straight ahead. Get the bounty and sprint right into it (avoiding the normal raptor agro) and go and clear out the nestlings i advise only taking half of em MAX. There is a total of 24 you can kill without agroing the boss group. This build will not work against the boss group.
This is my very first build i made for farming so please leave out the harshness lol