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Old Jun 11, 2008, 11:42 AM // 11:42   #1
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Default The Art of Underworld ( Minimized )

The Art Of Underworld ( Minimized )
by Dae

Note : First of all, don’t blame me because i use designs and builds from the real Art of the Underworld from cerb, I asked him permission to do this and he said it was all right. There is some information in this guide from that guide too.
Here is the link.

This is a guide which shows how to do the short run of the Art of the Underworld. This contains :
  • Clear the Chamber
  • Escort of Souls
  • Servants of Grenth
  • Unwanted guests
The main reason for most people why they should do this, is because it can make money. At the time of writing this my friend and i gain 5-10 ecto's in 1 run. 1 run of us takes 35 - 45 minutes, but I’m pretty sure you guys can easily beat this! That’s a reason why you can do this too
This is also a good way to practice for the real Art of Underworld. Because that one is going to be very hard if you don't know the basics.
At this time most people farm underworld with solo sins. I think this run gives you just the same profit and this one is much more fun! Because you are duoing, so you can talk a bit with eachother etc.

This run contains a SS necro and a 55HP monk, if you don't know what a 55HP monk is, you should look at this guide first.
An SS necro is simply a Necro with the elite skill Spiteful Spirit ( SS ). And some other skills to support the monk, scroll down to see the builds.

105HP VS 55HP
When there are no SS friends online in my friend list, I travel to Temple of the Ages ( ToA ). I always type like this rule;

Anger of Dae : 105HP LF SS UW !

Immediately my whisper chat go's up like crazy with people saying;
Why do you use 105hp?
Omg u noob, 55hp is much better.
WTF?! 105hp? How can u survive with that health?

Until now I always explained the whole thing for them, but now my fingers are tired of typing, and this is the last time I’m going to explain it :
First of all, look at the build of the 105, the main protection doesn’t come from Prot spirit and breeze, like the normal 55HP build. It comes from Prot spirit, Shield of Absorption ( SoA ) and Shielding Hands. Healing breeze is just a counter for health degeneration.
So why use 55 health if they hit 0 constantly?

You can use a staff now, and a staff is just wonderful. Halves skill recharge, more energy, you can kill nightmares without changing weapon etc.

I DONT say 105 is always better then 55. For example: If you have builds that use much energy it's better to use prot + breeze, but it can't deal with unlimited groups.

Equipment is ( like cerb said ) very important at his guide, but at the short run it isn't that important. So most of the things I say here are recommended, they can speed up the run enormously, but if you have them not it can't be fatal.

The 105 HP Monk
1. Weapons
Like i said, we don't use the grim cesta here, but a staff. The staff doesn’t really matter itself, but Enchantments last 20% longer is necessary.
I think the best staff you can have for this is the one i use , Sadi's Benediction

Of course you can have just another staff with the same inscription/mods.
It's best to customise your weapon, so you are sure you can kill nightmares in 2 hits. When you don't you CAN kill them in 2 hits, but that's not for sure.
20% HSR , +15 Energy, Enchantments last 20% longer, and an inscription of your own choice, preferably the +5 energy while enchanted inscription.

2. Armor
Scalp (+1 Divine Favor ) - Radiant Insignia and Superior Divine Favor
Body - Radiant Insignia and Superior Healing Prayers
Hands - Radiant Insignia and Superior Smiting Prayers
Legs - Radiant Insignia and Superior Protection Prayers
Shoes -Radiant Insignia and Superior (?)

You can replace the (?) With a rune of your choice, of course, i do know it is non-stacking, but you will still recieve the -75 health.
The Radiant Insignia's are no necessary, but they can help you out of trouble really much!

Tip : choose the (?) Superior rune which is the cheapest

The Necromancer
1. Weapons
The necro just needs energy to damage and support the monk. When you are duoing with a monk who doesn’t pull big groups, your energy could get into trouble with my set, because it has 2 inscriptions with +15 energy / -1 generation. That means you have only 2 energy generation, but you will have 86 energy too! ( With all the radiant’s and attunements on it )
Now beginners should think, +2 energy, then you will have to wait all the time to regenerate it!
That's not true, the necromancer has Soul Reaping, if the monk pulls big groups , he will get large amounts of soul reaping and his energy will be around 70 after every group!

Wand ; +15 Energy / -1 and HSR 20%
Focus ; +15 Energy / -1 and a Focus core of own choice ( that's a tip for cerb's art of the underworld too, he says this place should be a HSR 20% , but there's no focus core with 20% HSR! )

Tip: Every time you have cast your spells change your weapon set to a +4 energy set. So you will regenerate your energy fast and you will just end up at 86 energy instead of 70.

2. Armor
The armor for the necro is quite important, especially the runes, the superior curses is the most important one, you need to kill the foes fast! The superior soul reaping is important too, because you will need, as I said, to gain as much soul reaping as possible.

Scalp ( +1 Curses ) - Radiant Insignia and a Superior Curses rune
Body - Radiant Insignia and a Rune of Attunement
Hands - Radiant Insignia and a Rune of Superior Soul Reaping
Legs - Radiant Insignia and a Rune of Attunement
Shoes - Radiant Insignia and a Rune of Attunement.

The Monk
Of course, we want to speed up the run as much as possible. That being said, the monk needs to pull as much as possible. You could think now: "Why won't you then just pull whole the area together?". Unfortunately, they will walk back to there spawning point, so at the screenshots and the movie, you can see what I’m pulling, don’t pull more then that or the foes will walk back.

[build=Monk 105HP;OwUUMyW9QIP1j76KBkERiAyDACA]
Divine Favor: 12 + 1 + 3 = 16
Protection Prayers: 8 + 3 = 11
Smiting Prayers: 0 + 3 = 3
Healing Prayers: 5 + 3 = 8
Inspiration Magic: 9
Template Code: OwUUMyW9QIP1j76KBkERiAyDACA

Many people have this build, but leave shielding hands and replace it with bonds like essence bond. They will raise protection prayers to 14 so SoA will be infinite.

The reason why I’m not doing this is because we want to pull big groups. And big groups in the chamber are Aatxes, Grasps etc. All of them have interrupts, that means you will have MASSIVE energy reduction ( mantra ).
When you have 14 in protection prayers, your inspiration magic will be lower, that means even MORE energy reduction, until your energy will be 0 and you are going to be interrupted like hell.
Still, with this build, it can be really helpful if the SS visages you 1 time, but more isn't needed.

Protective Spirit: You will need this ( almost ) every time, except when you're tanking terrorwebs with Spell breaker up, it is your most important skill of all.
Shield of Absorption: You will need this to reduce there damage to 0.
Shielding Hands: Same as SoA.
Healing Breeze: You need this skill for small groups ( like 2 foes ), in combination with protective spirit. When you have degeneration ( bleeding, burning) you will need it too. It also can be useful if you have too much energy and you want to feel save ( if you're a little too late with SoA and Shielding Hands ).
Spell Breaker: You will need to learn the nightmare spawns, in the first chamber they can spawn with every group you aggro. They DON'T spawn in the room of the terrorwebs, but they patrol there.
Mantra of Resolve: This skill is necessary when you are fighting enemies who interrupt ( Bladed aatxes, grasping darkness, mindblade spectres ( only when your SS messes up ), Coldfire nights)
Balthazars Spirit: This is a bond you will need to keep up every time you're tanking.
Blessed Aura: Same as balthazars spirit.

This build isn't very hard to play, but you will need to understand 1 thing. Shielding hands will NOT work when you will place it before protective spirit, the foes will just hit 10, instead of 0. So, this would be the WRONG enchantment setup :

But when you always have protective spirit before shielding hands, you will not encounter any problems :

The Necromancer
For the necro we also want a build who can deal with large groups. The first 3 skills are just for damaging the foes. The visages are for supporting the monk. Awaken the blood is for speeding up the run, but it can be replaced with anything you want. Insidious parasite is VERY recommended, because foes who aren't triggered by SS can delay the run very much. With insidious you can kill these fast. Unwanted guests is going to be very hard without it too.

I want to say 1 thing about awaken the blood, many people don’t like this skill. And replace it with defile enchantments or desecrate enchantments. My friend and I calculated the output damage of both skills and we found out that awaken is outputting more damage. That’s why we use awaken.
Even sunspear rebirth signet can be replaced by the way, but you’ll need to be sure that your monk is very experienced.

[build=SS Necromancer;OAVEEJNWe8sEyDCNRgH8NsHw4A]
Curses: 12 + 1 + 3 = 16
Soul Reaping: 9 + 3 = 12
Illusion Magic: 9
Blood Magic: 3
Template Code: OAVEEJNWe8sEyDCNRgH8NsHw4A

Arcane Echo: You will need this to echo Spiteful Spirit, so you will get more damage output.
Spiteful Spirit: This is your normal damage output
Reckless Haste: Only use this with big groups, or the monk will not get enough energy, because balthazars spirit only triggers when a foe hits. This skill is for speeding up the damage.
Sympathetic Visage: This is for reducing your foes' energy so they can't use there skills.
Ancestors Visage: Same as Sympathetic Visage
Awaken the blood: Use this every time before you are going to cast SS chain.
Insidious Parasite: ONLY use when there are some foes who are not triggered by SS, and use it to kill the keeper of souls at Unwanted Guests.
Sunspear Rebirth Signet: For ressing the monk when he died.

This build isn't very hard to play too, the main chain is Awaken the blood > Arcane echo > SS > SS > Reckless Haste, but how to use this build at different area's is going to be explained further in the guide.

Last edited by Dae GW; Jun 18, 2008 at 07:07 PM // 19:07..
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 11:43 AM // 11:43   #2
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In this guide I’m using a system which works like this;
I'm going to explain you something, and after every "move" I’m writing a number, after that paragraph there will be some screenshots, numbered. The screenshot with the same number as the number of the "move" will show that move. For example:

"You will have to aggro the aatxes in the 2nd room too ( Image 3 )".
If you want to see what i mean with this, scroll down to the screenshots and then click on screenshot number 3.

This was just an example, don't really aggro the aatxes in the 2nd room too!

The Labyrinth

This image is used in The Art of the underworld from cerb, but we can use it in this guide too.

When you pay the reaper his 1k, or you use your passage scroll, you will spawn in room 1. When you both have arrived the monk should cast his bonds and the necro takes the quest. ( Leave the quest if you are quite new to the build! ) But, to all necros, watch out for the patrolling aatxes, up the stairs, don't aggro them! When you're very unlucky there will spawn a dying nightmare who pulls all the aatxes with him.
That's why the monk should always has his mouse on Spell breaker, and his finger on number 1 (protective spirit) when the SS is starting the quest.
( Image 1 )

After the SS started the quest, he should walk back and stay behind Benton ( the spirit ). At this point the monk should have his energy regenerated and he is waiting on the stairs for the grasping darkness’s. When the grasping darkness’s walk to the aatxes, cast protective spirit, shielding hands, spell breaker and mantra of resolve. Then walk into the foes and pull the next group of aatxes/graspings too. ( Image 2 )

When you've done this, there should have spawned 1 or 2 nightmares. If it was only 1, you can easily kill it with your staff. When there are 2 +,you should stay next to 1 and let the SS visage you, he will drain his energy so they can't cast Rend enchantments, and the other nightmares will use their Blood is Power, which kills theirselves ( But don't rely on this, just always try to wand them! )

Bug : Somehow you can easily get here "rubberbanded". That means that on YOUR screen you are walking etc, but the foes will stay back attacking you, while you are far away from them. On the SS his screen you will be staying at the point of the foes too. And after a while you suddenly teleport to that location. Mostly you are stuck now, i hate it when this happens. Click here for more information.

Tip : Try to 'group' your foes into 1 big adjacent group of foes, then SS will trigger them all. You can do this walking slightly backwards.

The necro should wait behind Benton until the monk has pulled the foes he wants to pull ( If you don't know this, ask for them before the monk aggro's! ). Then he should first cast 1 visage on the monk, then awaken the blood, arcane echo, SS ( should always target an aatxe! preferably the central one) , SS ( of course, this one on another aatxe ), reckless haste ( on the same aatxe you have hexed with SS ). This should be enough to take them down. You can cast another visage to support the monk a bit, but i think this is energy waste.

(1) (2)

That was the first group of foes, we proceed to the 2nd. Just do everything the same as the first group. ( the SS doesn’t need to stay behind Benton anymore! ) Pull the aatxes up the stairs, and the ones who stand just in front of you. You should wait for the patrolling grasping darkness’s too, then the SS may aggro and cast his chain ( same as the 1st group ). ( Image 1 )

Now you almost have killed al the foes in the first chamber. Only 2 aatxes are left. FIRST let the necro check for nightmares, or you will waste an SB and that's a delay for the run. ( Image 2 )

When there is no nightmare, or the SS already killed it, aggro the 2 aatxes up the stairs but don't cast spell breaker until a nightmare spawns up ( make sure mantra is up! ). Kill the nightmare as fast as you can and let the aatxes follow you to the corridor with the patrolling grasping darkness’s and aatxes, sometimes there will be a nightmare with the grasping darkness’s, when everything is right you should have SB still up from the first nightmare, and you can kill the nightmare. ( Image 3 ).
Kill them and proceed to room 2.

(1) (2) (3)

When entering room 2 ( on the map of the labyrinth ), cast Spell Breaker, protective spirit, and shielding hands and pull all the enemies ( except the terrorwebs ) and then wait at the left corridor for the patrolling aatxes when they are not in room 2 anymore. ( of course kill the nightmares on your way ) The SS can aggro now and just kill this group, the patrolling aatxes will come soon. ( Image 1 )

Attention! Watch your mini map all the time! Sometimes the terrorwebs can aggro the SS, he should start running away when they are going to aggro.

When room 2 is empty of graspings and aatxes you can start killing the 3 terrorwebs at the statue. Cast spell breaker, and if you don't want to waste energy shielding hands/shield of absorption are the only spells who are necessary at Terrorweb Dryders with Spell breaker up (!). When spell breaker ends, cast protective spirit and healing breeze too. Healing breeze is to bring there -7 degen ( burning) to 0 degen. Protective spirit is of course for there heavy hitting fireball/immolate.

BUT, that was only the tanking. Of course, tanking is not the only thing you need to do as 105hp. The terrorweb dryders are long-ranged, so you will need to group them to 1 'ball'. You can do this walking back ( like the aatxes, but this time you will need to walk much more ).

The SS should have walked back into a corridor already. ( Image 2 )
You can now complete the first quest of the 4.

Escort of Souls
This quest requires precision, especially for the SS, because he needs to chain his visages on you, when he misses 1 visage you will die for sure ( unless you are very lucky and the SS can catch his chain up again ).

When you start this quest there will spawn 4 souls with you, they follow the person who moves. So the SS should start moving until they are following him, then the monk can approach the mindblade spectres who have spawned in room 3.
Cast spell breaker, protective spirit and Shielding hands / SoA. Wait until they have approached you and walk slightly backwards until they are one little group. ( Image 1 )

The SS should open with the first visage ( Of course first cast awaken the blood, you will need to do that at every group you are killing ). Then cast arcane echo and spiteful spirit. Wait until the first visage has reached half of it's recharge time, exactly here cast your other visage, cast the other Spiteful Spirit and keep the visages up from here, just like i said.

When you miss a visage, they will have the energy to cast their anti-casting spells and you will die as i said. ( Migraine, power drain, power leak ).
When you don't miss it, mindblades are very easy to kill and you will not encounter any problems.

Now proceed to the gate between the labyrinth and the forgotten vale, at that point there will be waiting 2 aatxes and there is a spawn of 3 mindblades. Aggro the aatxes with mantra on! Then search at that point for the mindblade spawn, when they spawn immediately cast spell breaker and group the aatxes and mindblades, just like the first group of mindblades. The SS should cast his chain just like the first group, but cast the Spiteful Spirit's on the aatxes of course! ( Image 2 )

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Now you can walk into the forgotten vale. There are 2 groups you NEED to kill here; 1 patrol of grasping darkness’s (sometimes with a nightmare in it ). And 1 group of 6 grasping darkness’s. When there's a nightmare in the patrolling group, cast spell breaker, healing breeze and protective spirit. Kill the nightmare and pull the other group of 6 as fast as you can ( sometimes there spawns another nightmare at the group of 6 ! )

When there is no nightmare in the group of 3 graspings you only cast protective spirit and healing breeze, and then pull the other group of 6. When the nightmare spawns, cast mantra of resolve and spell breaker. ( Image 1 )

When the new souls reach Mayor Alegheri you have completed the 2nd quest of underworld!

Note: This quest can be completed from the forgotten vale too, it is a bit easier, but it cost a little more time. For more information check the walkthrough at this page.


When you have completed escort of souls you can walk back to the labyrinth. When you come back at room 2 there will be one patrolling group of grasping darkness’s ( sometimes with a nightmare in it ). When there's a nightmare in it you just have to kill the group. When it's not, let them follow you to room 1, where a group of mindblade spectres is spawned with the Escort of Souls quest. Kill the group together and you can proceed to the ice wastes!

Attention! When the mindblade spectres in room 1 are down the stairs, you'll have to kill the graspings without the mindblades, because they will walk back to room 1 when you are too far away from there spawning point. But when the mindblade spectres are UP the stairs, you can pull them altogether. Just kill them like the other groups of mindblade spectres. This image shows when you can aggro the graspings and mindblades altogether, the mindblades are not down the stairs ;

The Ice Wastes
Now you have completed 2 of the 4 quests. We need another reaper for the quest unwanted guests. ( for information check the Unwanted Guests paragraph in this guide ) So we need to spawn the reaper of the ice wastes. If you want to go to the ice wastes you will need to go trough room 4. In room 4 there are 2 patrolling groups of aatxes and 1 group of darkness’s ( sometimes with a nightmare ). Pull all the aatxes and grasps together and the SS can start killing them.

The passage is open to the ice wastes, at the ice wastes you can REALLY pull anything you want, but watch out, the smites can walk back to their spawning points

When you see the first group, cast your tanking skills and just let them follow you. When you see the next group of smites/coldfires cast mantra because of the coldfires mealstorm. Just go further with the tanking and walk to the right. (Image 1 ) Pull all the enemies there and walk slightly backwards until the coldfire nights are on 1 group, then walk with the smites into them and the SS can kill them. ( Image 2 )

When killing a group of smites and coldfires together, the SS should always cast his hexes on the smites, because they attack way faster than the coldfies. BUT, the smite crawlers also have smite hex, so you will have to drain their energy too, but not so intensive as the mindblades. Just cast Visage > Arcane > SS > visage > SS and most of the time you are ready now, but sometimes you will have to cast another visage here.

Now walk North East and follow the path until you see the group of 6 coldfire nights, pull them, walk slightly backwards and group them just like the first group. ( Image 3 )

Now proceed to the west and pull everything on your way to this point ( Image 4), on that screenshot you can see a patrolling group of coldfires too, wait for them and walk slightly backwards again until they are grouped well.

Now pull the last group of smites and coldfires in the area, pull all smites left ( there's 1 on the cliff too! Press Ctrl and u can search it. ) After the pull get them on 1 point again and start the killing. ( Image 5 )

The last group remaining is the terrorweb group, just kill this one like you did in the labyrinth.


Tip: The nightmares are very random in this area, so cast your main protection with your fingers on the keyboard but leave ur mouse on slot 5 ( spell breaker ). Be prepared for a spawn!
Tip: At this last group, if you don't want to aggro the terrorwebs ( it can be done but this is for more experienced players ) watch your minimap all the time, because you will get very close to them!

Servants of Grenth
This quest is very hard if you don't know how to complete it, because of the meteor shower spam, it will Knock down and interrupt all of your spells. Cerb made a rule for this quest. First the monk stays at the point where they spawn ( Image 1 )
then the monk pings that he is casting spell breaker. ( I'm using Spell breaker on <Character>!
The SS should wait 13 seconds here and then start the quest. There will spawn 1 group of terrorwebs. Tank them until the 2nd group spawns. At this point you should can cast Spell breaker again. Walk with this group back ( like the coldfires) until they are balled and the SS should cast 2 SS very fast. Then he walks back. (Image 2)

The group should be killed very fast and when it is dead the monk should walk to the spawn point again waiting for the third spawn. This one is easy and you can complete the quest. ( Don't forget to ball this group too! )


Unwanted Guests
This is the last quest of the whole run, you can start it at the reaper of the labyrinth ( teleport to there from the ice wastes ) When you start it, there is one group of terrorwebs patrolling in the center corridor, wait until they are removed from the vengeful aatxes and keeper of souls and kill them like the other groups of terrorwebs.
Warning: DONT let them come into range of the reaper, maybe they will start attacking him and maybe even kill him!

Now you have to kill the group of vengeful aatxes and keeper of souls. The vengeful aatxes are invulnerable from normal damage. But they will die if there is no keeper of souls anymore and no foes left to kill. So, cast spell breaker, your protection skills and start wanding the keeper of souls. The SS should kill this keeper as fast has he can, so cast SS, insidious and attack him with your wand too!
When the keeper is dead ( this must be done before spell breaker runs out !! ). The SS should walk back to the reaper and teleport to the ice wastes. Teleport back and the vengefuls are dead.

Walk to into the right corridor, this is a bit more difficult room. First kill the terrorwebs ( they are patrolling, just wait until they are removed from the keeper ). You will need to pull the vengefuls here too, but they are very easy to tank. When the terrorwebs are dead proceed to the keeper of souls, cast spell breaker and walk with the vengefuls to him, and stay on the other side of the keeper. So the keeper of souls is standing between the SS and you.
When this keeper is dead too, teleport to the ice wastes again and teleport back. now go trough the center corridor, walk to the right WITHOUT aggroing the vengeful aatxes at the first room. Kill the keeper and terrorwebs ( this can be done in 1 pull, just make sure the keeper is dead before spell breaker runs out ).
The vengefuls in that room should die immediately because there are no foes in their range and there keeper of souls is dead.

Walk to room 4 and kill the terrors/keeper on your way, there are no vengefuls here so the teleporting isn't needed. In room 4 there is a bridge leading to room 5. On that bridge you'll see another keeper of souls and a group of terrorwebs, kill these too. ( Image 1 )

Now you only need to kill 1 group and the run is complete! Follow the route to room 1 back but when you see the stairs go up and there will be one group of terrorwebs and keeper of souls too. Kill these and you have completed the run!


Last edited by Dae GW; Jun 11, 2008 at 11:46 AM // 11:46..
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 11:44 AM // 11:44   #3
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[deadly riposte] [gash] [riposte] [savage slash] [sever artery]

[fear me] [distracting blow] [flurry] [skull crack]

[aura of restoration] [fireball] [immolate] [lava font] [mark of rodgort] [meteor shower]

[blood is power] [rend enchantments]

[rigor mortis] [lingering curse] [well of blood]

[divine intervention] [mend condition] [reversal of fortune] [shield of judgment] [smite hex] [zealots fire]

[protectors strike]

[clumsiness] [conjure phantasm] [energy tap] [ignorance] [migraine] [power drain] [power leak]

Last edited by Dae GW; Jun 11, 2008 at 11:55 AM // 11:55..
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 11:44 AM // 11:44   #4
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These days i am very busy with school, so i hadn't got the time to record one. This will come soon!
You can wacth the movie from cerb too, go to this page and download the First 4 Quests ( Monk View ) movie.

There are a few things i want to say;

Yes i know, there ARE faster ways to do this, but this isn't a very hard run, and it is still quite profitable. Maybe i'm going to write another guide how to do that faster way, but first i need to succeed on my exams!

Of course, you can say EVERYTHING you want about this guide, but please don't spam, give some arguments with what you want to tell me.

When i began with 55'ing, it was very hard to find a good SS for me, i would suggest to use this topic as a topic where 55's and SS can find eachother to do runs. ( but i don't know if this is against the rules.. )

I hope this guide can help players out with their unanswered questions.


Oh, and the last thing i want to say : Please don't have critics on my English, I'm from Holland and i use the English lessons as siesta hours
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 11:46 AM // 11:46   #5
Furnace Stoker
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nice guide!

lol @ Will Smith randomly being there.
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 11:46 AM // 11:46   #6
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Ooooo goodie another UW guide thread
I got two answers for you....
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 12:18 PM // 12:18   #7
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Pfft. Ursan doesn't give you the satisfaction that you get after clearing the UW in a 2/3-man team.

Since all the monk does is tank, do you think this could work with a Perma-SF tank? The perma-SF needs about as little brain-power as ursan, except it's more fun.
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 01:17 PM // 13:17   #8
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SF tank wouldnt work, he would get killed by the smites and mindblades would be a damn pain. (With a monk, the necro can use SV and AV and make them lose their energy, but if they have it they will just kill the necro and/or won't die - although probably you could give the assassin a build to kill the mindblades by himself but hey what's the point of preferring an asn over a monk then?)

GJ on the guide btw :-)

Last edited by cerb; Jun 11, 2008 at 01:19 PM // 13:19..
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 01:42 PM // 13:42   #9
Desert Nomad
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nice guide an' all, just like to point out that there are monk wands which when customized can have the ability to take out a nightmare in one hit, so the whole thing about not having th change to staff and that is wrong.

otherwiise NJ

also, you say the nighmares are very random in the Ice wastes, theyre not. there are 4 (havent done UW in about 4 months) might be 5 spots where a NM has the potential to spawn.

Last edited by jiggles; Jun 11, 2008 at 01:56 PM // 13:56..
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 03:58 PM // 15:58   #10
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Originally Posted by jiggles
nice guide an' all, just like to point out that there are monk wands which when customized can have the ability to take out a nightmare in one hit, so the whole thing about not having th change to staff and that is wrong.

otherwiise NJ

also, you say the nighmares are very random in the Ice wastes, theyre not. there are 4 (havent done UW in about 4 months) might be 5 spots where a NM has the potential to spawn.
At point 1, I know, but i don't want to make this guide to complicated. If you can kill a nightmare in 2 hits you will not encounter any probs , i don't see why you should spend time/money to buy a wand which can take them down in 1 hit.

Oh, and thank you for the reply's everyone!

At point 2, i know, but there can only spawn 2 nightmares in this area, and as you know, i really have problems with my english and i think it is a waste to explain all the points where they can spawn. When i'm 105 ing i'm not thinking about that spawns too, i just keep my mouse point on number 5 and click it when there spawns a nightmare. I've got no problems with that.
( of course, after a while you will learn the spawns, but you can do this too without learning them )

Last edited by Dae GW; Jun 11, 2008 at 04:08 PM // 16:08..
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Old Jun 11, 2008, 04:27 PM // 16:27   #11
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Nice guide, I used to do these types of runs a lot but finally got bored of it.

Just one thing insiduous parasite can be replaced by desecrate enchantments. This is a nice AoE spell that help you accomplishi killing everything at once (better for the monk this way), and works great on coldfires and terror webs and those annoying ghosts using illusionary weapon. I

Also I never figured out the diffrence but is awaken all that good (+2 damage per attack from SS) Assume they make 20 attacks that would only be 40 damage So if you got SS on 2 targets that would be 160 damage. Another AoE damage spell in addition to desecrate might be more effective. I have been meaning to test this out. 20 attacks at 1.33s an attack is 26s which is < recharge for dessecrate.

Good idea on the 15/-1 set. I only figured this out after playing for a year. I use them on my MM as well as SR tends to keep me full.
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Old Jun 12, 2008, 08:47 PM // 20:47   #12
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Just pointing out a few things:

- SoA+SH+Breeze is a little overkill for this run imho. I'd say pick two. (but if you use Essence Bond, take SoA over SH). Most degen you will have is -10 from Bleeding + Burning but with 105 hp you can deal with it, just recast and get the DF bonus).
- If you are going for BIG aggros (e.g.: clear chamber in 2 minutes, be out to smites by 6-7 minutes), you will want to put Essence Bond in that build as you will get interrupted too much and will need energy badly (and fast).
- If you are not going for big aggros, there's no need to pack SoA+SH+Breeze anyways as the damage you will take won't be enough to kill you.
- AtB and Insidious are actually wildcards. Insidious works well in the full UW run because of the Four Horsemen, Slayer, Terrorweb Queen etc., which all have a huge amount of HP, but for multiple minor foes, I'd probably take both Desecrates.

These are just suggestions, of course you will be able to complete the run without them :-)

Good guide, keep up the good work!! (go monks go!)
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Old Jun 12, 2008, 09:53 PM // 21:53   #13
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I don't think people understand what i want to do with this guide;

As i already have explained, this is not a hard run, with no further difficulties like no regeneration so you will need to get the DF bonus for healing up. You can easily get big aggro's without having energy probs.

Thats 1 point for cerb BTW.. its hard to explain for me in english but i'll try:
When you have essence bond, you will gain back your energy very fast, but when you take very large aggro's. It dousn'treally matter. You will have all the time your max energy ( around 56 or something with a staff ). But when you cast a 1 sec spell, you will still get a very huge drain, youre energy will be like 10 in no-time. From here you will regenerate it very fast with essence bond, but only balthazars spirit gives you enough energy to do this. ( Unless you are spamming 1 sec spells ).

I know about the builds etc with both defile/desecrate enchantments. But as i said, awaken the blood + insidious parasite etc are much easier to use, and you still can get a nice time + profit.

I think SoA + SH is a very good combination, and i will never use SoA or SH alone. SH is a very good spell for this run because you can use it without gaining any energy draining from the interrupts. When aggroing groups SH works very very good for me.

Originally Posted by Johnny Bravo
Also I never figured out the diffrence but is awaken all that good (+2 damage per attack from SS) Assume they make 20 attacks that would only be 40 damage So if you got SS on 2 targets that would be 160 damage. Another AoE damage spell in addition to desecrate might be more effective. I have been meaning to test this out. 20 attacks at 1.33s an attack is 26s which is < recharge for dessecrate.
160 damage. On aatxes desecrate hits 64, in 26 seconds you can cast it 2 times, that would be 128. On foes who have enchantments it would be 170, but they die much faster, ( aatxes have most health in this run ).
Desecrate/defile together would be better, but we have to keep it simple in this guide!

I think i'm going to change some points in my guide, this has to be a guide which can show you how to do a smite run without very hard tactic's etc, but still gain much money ! I'll make another guide later on how to do the smite 10 min. run.


Oh and btw, spiteful spirit dousn't hit only 2 more, 4 more !!! That would be even more damage output from awaken. <<<

Last edited by Dae GW; Jun 12, 2008 at 09:58 PM // 21:58..
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Old Jun 12, 2008, 10:47 PM // 22:47   #14
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About Essence Bond: Sorry for ambiguous (sp?) post, but to me large aggro means tank the whole chamber at once (3 groups of Aatxe, 3 groups of Graspings, one group of Dryders). With that many foes, Balts itself is not enough if you are bringing Resolve. You can get interrupted like 7x+ at once, lose all your energy, lose Resolve, not be able to recast (interrupt/dazed) and die. Essence Bond is all about that pull in my book (for this particular run anyways) - you won't get away with it with Balt's only (for the record, I have done this run countless times, I think it is safe to say I know what I'm talking about).

About SH (I forgot to mention it in my last post) - that is not exactly how it happens (however your suggestion fixes the bug). I described the problem in my guide - basically if PS has 10 seconds left until it runs out and you cast SH which lasts, let's say 12 seconds, it will reduce damage to 0 for the first 10 seconds, and for the last 2 seconds you will take damage, even if PS is recast.

As for the fast smite run, try this: Smites+Ice King in 15 minutes
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Old Jun 13, 2008, 06:31 AM // 06:31   #15
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Originally Posted by cerb
About Essence Bond: Sorry for ambiguous (sp?) post, but to me large aggro means tank the whole chamber at once (3 groups of Aatxe, 3 groups of Graspings, one group of Dryders). With that many foes, Balts itself is not enough if you are bringing Resolve. You can get interrupted like 7x+ at once, lose all your energy, lose Resolve, not be able to recast (interrupt/dazed) and die. Essence Bond is all about that pull in my book (for this particular run anyways) - you won't get away with it with Balt's only (for the record, I have done this run countless times, I think it is safe to say I know what I'm talking about).
Please tell me how you pull the WHOLE chamber in 1 time..
The left aatxes follow you until you reach the center aatxes. So you lose the aggro of those 2, the right aatxes will stop following until you reach a little left of the center aatxes spot and the aatxes up the stairs will lose aggro when you are at the spots of the right and left aatxes. So.. I think this is too difficult with pulling, maybe you CAN pull the whole chamber but you will have to stay right at the point where everyone can attack you..
I think it's too much work to find this point every run..

So now the issue about the energy is solved too, because i didn't know you could pull the whole chamber without problems like this.

I don't know exactly what you mean with that thingy about SH, but you say it's solved with my suggestion so i don't think i have to put attention to this.

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Old Jun 13, 2008, 12:10 PM // 12:10   #16
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Start from center, take all you see, grab the group on the right (aatxes), go get dryders, grab last aatxe group

What I was saying about SH is that it is indeed "bugged" but does not work exactly how you explained it, but that's one fix.

When I used to do UW, I would take the first chamber in two pulls, the actual "chamber" in one - or two if I didn't get lucky, and be out for smites in about 6-7 minutes, generally.
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Old Jun 13, 2008, 04:27 PM // 16:27   #17
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Ohh! you mean the chamber with the terrorwebs, yes i do that chamber in 1 pull too, but for this guide it is too hard. I don't need essence bond for that

Well, nvm then.. still don't get the point about SH, it works for me how i have explained it in this guide.
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Old Jun 13, 2008, 05:06 PM // 17:06   #18
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Originally Posted by Rothan Celt
This can do anyone... Ursan is for noobs IMO

To the OP, nice job you did there
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