Farming in Normal Mode, you can go outside Jaya bluffs and kill the avicara for feathers. Just go secondary Elementalist, spec 12 into earth magic, and take [Stoneflesh Aura][Shockwave][Aftershock][Teinai's Crystals]
Either that or bring [Vengeful Was Kahnei] and [Cruel was Daoshen]. Since they're all level 12s, all you have to do is let them ball up on you.
Feathers also sell for 8k~ a stack, a run takes 8-11 minutes, you get 50-100 feathers per run.
Last edited by Icy The Mage; Feb 15, 2009 at 09:50 AM // 09:50..
Reason: cba to spell VwK correctly