Aug 22, 2009, 04:07 PM // 16:07
Pre-Searing Cadet
A Detailed Guide to the Vale Necromancer
1. Introduction
2. The Build
3. The Equipment
4. The Run
a) The Chamber
b) The Labyrinth
c) The Corridor
d) The ForgottenVale
i. Clearing The Vale
ii. Quest: Wrathful Spirits
iii. Quest: Escort of Souls
1. Introduction
UWSC or Underworld Speed Clear is a so called “Meta” Team Build where 7 Assassins and 1 Necromancer attempt to complete all the UW quests in a very short time (max half an hour). They do this by allocating every person one specific job ( series of quests/ quest). They also use a set of consumables to boost their HP, Energy, Attributes and Speed. This Team Build has become very popular due to videoclips explaining how to do it on YouTube. However, because these clips lack a lot of the essential information a great deal of players are incompetent, this leads to a lot of “fail” runs, wasting valuable time and money. Hence this guide.
First off, this guide is meant for both complete newbies and veteran vale necros. It is very detailed, so for those veteran necs I will probably (hopefully) repeat a lot of stuff they already knew. Nevertheless, I am certain that even those veterans will find some interesting tips in this guide.
Secondly I would like to say to all those newbies: Although I will try to make this guide as complete as possible, perhaps even entering some screenshots later on, I can not guarantee that you will be able to complete a good run after reading this. My advice to you is to look for clips on YouTube, but even after that, you should definitely do a test run with a friend.
Don’t let other people pay for your mistakes, come prepared, organized and KNOW what you’re doing!
2. The Build
There are several builds a vale necro can use, according to personal taste and experience I will use my own N/Rt build. For those more experienced players looking for a little variety, there are N/R and N/Mo builds out there to support the valesin. There is even a RoJ Monk build that can support vale (never tried this though).
Skills: Spiteful Spirit (Elite) referred to as SS
Spirit Rift referred to as SR
Ancestors Rage referred to as AR
Great Dwarf Weapon/ Mark of Pain referred to as GDW/ MoP
“By Ural’s Hammer!” referred to as BUH
Chillbains referred to as CB
Signet of Lost Souls
Flesh of My Flesh
Attributes: 11 Soul Reaping
16 Curses (Superior Rune)
10 Channeling Magic
+ Boost from consumables
SS is your basic damage skill, always cast SS on the creature with highest health if you’re dealing with mixed groups. SS is an Area of Effect skill that by definition also affects enemies close to target foe.
SR is also a damage skill that has an Area of Effect and works great on large mobs, it is also spammable (has very short recharge time). The downside is that SR works on the area where your target foe was during casting, so if foes move before SR took effect, they will not take damage. (This is annoying sometimes if you use SR on Dying Nightmares, but overall not really a problem.)
I could go over every skill but you should just read the description carefully and try to fully grasp what they do, requirements for them to be effective etc.
3. The Equiptment
Any curses staff will do. Of course it is speed clear, so if you want to boost your speed, use a good curses staff. Think high energy and high casting speeds. I personally use “The Stonereaper”, a perfect green curses staff that reduces skill recharge and cast time and provides an extra energy boost.
Customize your staff for 20% extra damage, this comes in handy against Dying Nightmares, they are particularly weak against Cold Damage (here is the downside to The Stonereaper, it has Dark Damage). Note that it isn’t essential to kill Dying Nightmares fast. But again, it is a SC so speed is of the essence.
4. The Run
a) The Chamber
With “The Chamber” I mean the place that you spawn when you enter the UnderWorld.
Walk backwards as soon as you zone in until you’re up against the edge of the ground.
You’ll see what I mean, just copy the other sins. Make sure all the sins and yourself are
pretty close together when consumables are “popped”. If you’re to far off, you won’t get
the consumable boost.
Once consumables are popped, go stand behind an NPC Ghost called Benson. The reason
you do this is so that if the Chamber Sin screws up and the Bladed Aatxes come down the
stairs, they can’t aggro you because the NPC is blocking them.
Always remember, in UWSC you are the weakest being in the whole area! But at the
same time, you’re the only chance the Assassins have to get resurrected if they fail
(unless someone brings resurrection scroll) and you are also of vital importance to
complete the vale quests.
Once the Chamber sin has the Bladed Aatxes and Grasping Darkness’ balled up at the
stairs, the other sins will run in to bodyblock them. When they’ve done that you can run
in and start casting.
Use GDW for damage boost, then SS one of the Aatxes (always creature with highest
HP), then use SR, AR on the ChamberSin (usually recognizable because he is an A/Me)
, recast SS on another Aatxe, recast SR until they’re all gone. Now finish of Dying Nightmares that have popped up, and go back down the stairs to Benson.
This is the part where everyone runs off to do their job. The ValeSin will aggro two Aatxes and turn around, bodyblocking them from coming to you. Tell him to ping you when he’s ready, then run in, cast SS on each of them. Use SR to boost damage, and use AR on the Vale Sin. (If you don’t target ValeSin when you use AR, you will use it on yourself, that’s useless)
Don’t use GDW on the ValeSin, he will probably not attack the Aatxes because they use Riposte. Once the Aatxes are down, follow the ValeSin. Always check your radar so you don’t aggro anything that might be near you.
b) The Labyrinth
If the Chamber Sin isn’t slow, the Labyrinth (recognizable as the large square room with the fountain in the middle) will be cleared of foes, and he will have balled them up in a hallway atop the stairs.
There are several possibilities now, so unlike most players, always pay heed in the Labyrinth room.
The stairs on the other side of the room, going down, are the ones you need to take to get to The Forgotten Vale.
These stairs are patrolled by two Aatxes. USUALLY the Chamber Sin aggroes these Aatxes and they follow him in his aggroball atop the other stairs into the hallway leading to The Chamber, as I said before.
SOMETIMES they aren’t aggroed, and you and the ValeSin need to take care of them. That’s why you always stay atop the stairs until the ValeSin pings you he’s ready and has got the 2 to 4 Aatxes in The Corridor balled up.
NEVER get tempted to quickly use SS on the Terrorweb Dryders that the Chamber Sin has balled up. Reasons: you’re leeching drops off of the Chamber Sin, and you might break the aggro of the Graspings and Aatxes, and they could kill you.
When the Chamber Sin has killed all Terrorweb Dryders the Reaper of The Labyrinth will spawn, talk to him and take the quest “Restoring Grenth’s Monuments”.
Notes on the Reaper: These Reapers are of vital importance, if they die, all party members die and you need to zone back to outpost, you lose all unpicked drops and the whole run is ruined. If you ever accidentally break aggro, and monsters follow you, NEVER lead them to the Reaper, or near the Reaper. It’s better that you let yourself die, then risk killing the Reaper.
Run down the stairs, always following the Vale Sin from a distance, always ready to turn around and run to avoid anything you might have overlooked or forgotten. The area you are in now, a long archway with at the end stairs going up again, doesn’t really have a name. I call it The Corridor, to make things easy.
c) The Corridor
If you go down the stairs of The Lab, and through this corridor, up the stairs at the end of The Corridor, you will finally be in The Forgotten Vale.
At the end of the corridor, at the stairs going up, there are two Aatxes, let the Vale Sin ball ‘em up and SS them both separately, you will know the drill by now.
Go up the first stairs and wait. Sometimes the ValeSin will lure one mob of Graspings for you to SS but mostly he will just let the Graspings follow him so he can bundle them with all the other mobs.
Go up the second flight of stairs and /sit at the entrance of The Forgotten Vale. Here you wait until the ValeSin pings you to come. This is slower then gradually following the ValeSin, but for beginners it’s the safest. Also, take your time to notify the Chamber Sin that his quest Unwanted Guests (UWG for short) can be taken from Reaper.
It’s important you say this because Chamber Sin will be stuck until you do, if he thinks you’re still in The Corridor, he won’t take it because once he does a mob of “unkillable” Vengeful Aatxes spawn in The Corridor.
d) The Forgotten Vale
i) Clearing The Vale
First: Grasping Darknesses
As I’ve said before, once you’re at The Vale, wait at the entrance. The ValeSin will start to aggro several mobs of Graspings scattered across the first part of The Vale, be very careful not to aggro ANY of them. Graspings have very sensitive aggro, and they tend to follow you a long way once aggroed. Meaning if you aggro one, and the ChamberSin has taken UWG, you have nowhere to run.
When the ValeSin pings you, run towards him ( he will be off radar, but not very far). Whilst running towards him, try to run on the left side of the small hills at the entrance of the vale. This makes the Dying Nightmares that are hidden there pop out, so you can kill them. Killing them at this point will make it easier, because if you have them pop up later on they might make things difficult (during Wrathful Spirits)
You will see the ValeSin has bundled all the Graspings behind a little shack, best thing for you to do is stand on the other side of The Shack (on the front lawn, between the fences so to speak) and cast SS on a Grasping. Only cast SS once here, because the Graspings stop attacking when they’re low on HP, rendering SS useless. That’s why you should spam both SR and AR on them until they’re dead.
Try to do it ASAP, they use “Fear Me”, the more inexperienced ValeSins that suck at energy management will have troubles recasting Shadow Form when they do.
Second: Terrorwebs, Coldfires and Stalkings
When all the Graspings are dead, finish off any Dying Nightmares that popped up, take a few steps back until you’re way out of range of the Terrorweb Dryders and /sit again. The ValeSin will proceed in balling up the Terrorweb Dyrders, and three patrols of Coldfire Nights and Stalking Nights. (Beware these can Snare you using Freezing spells, be extra careful not to aggro)
If he does a good job, they will really be piled up very good and he can bodyblock all of them between some “circular fences” (can’t explain it on an other way) and himself. Run in, run past the ValeSin with your back to the fountain and your front to the circular fence that’s blocking the foes.
Important, press “C” to target the foe nearest you (so you don’t run to close when you cast). If this foe is a Terrorweb, skip to next enemy. ALWAYS use SS on a non-Terrorweb foe first ( either a Coldfire or a Stalking).
Reason: when all the Terrorwebs are dead The Reaper of The Forgotten Vale spawns, remember what I said about Reapers? If the Reaper spawns and some Coldfires/Stalkings are still alive, that is a threat to the Reaper, because he will start attacking them, meaning Coldfires break aggro, meaning chaos, meaning nastyness!
ii Quest: Wrathful Spirits
When all the Coldfires, Stalkings and Terrorwebs are dead, have a minibreak (The Vale is a lovely place to have a picnic). The ValeSin will wait for SF to run out, and will want to heal completely (He doesn’t need ShadowForm for the quest).
Hint: If you want to break your recordtime in vale, tell valesin to just let SF run out during quest, and if it does, he can just use Death’s Charge on one of the Tortured Spirits to heal.
Once ValeSin is ready, he will go stand on his designated spot. Run towards him and cast GDW on him, it lasts 20 seconds, so make sure you keep it on him all the time during quest.
Run back to The Reaper and take the quest “Wrathful Spirits”.
First Timers: READ what you have to do for this quest!! You must kill all Tortured Spirits (they will spawn as soon as you take the quest) And you must have at least one Green Tortured Spirit (ally NPC) survive. Mayor Alegheri doesn’t count!
As soon as you take the quest enemy Tortured Spirits (referred to as TS) will spawn and start attacking the allied Tortured Spirits. These enemy TS use Imaginary Weaponry, an enchantment that deals a lot of damage. This is why you took Chillbains, as soon as the TS cast Imag Wep, use CB on them to remove it. Keep casting SR and AR. I usually cast SS once on one TS. Also make sure you keep using GDW on the ValeSin.
This is, in my opinion, the trickiest part of the run. Most things can go wrong here, you can die, spirits can die, ValeSin can die. Important to have good energy and health management here, and to use Signet of Lost Souls when energy is very low.
Health management: CB will poison you! If you combine that with accidentally aggroing the TS and they can get some hits on you, you will be on low HP very soon, so use GDW to your advantage here.
First two groups of TS are vital, you can just cruise through the rest (Reason: only the first two groups attack the ally TS)
Hints: If you’re unsure about yourself in this quest, take a summoning stone as support.
If you can, cast GDW on the allied spirits, GDW causes knockdown and increases interruption of Imag Wep, sometimes I don’t even use CB on first mobs but just GDW everyone.
The last group of TS is on a hill where you can only get by going some distance around. Let the ValeSin use Death’s Charge and lure the TS to the edge of the hill so you can CB, SS and SR them. Once 1 of them is dead (there’s always three TS in one mob) use GDW on your ValeSin, make sure they aren’t using Imag Wep (CB them a last time) and let the ValeSin finish up while you run back to The Lab to get ready for next quest.
iii. Quest 2: Escort of Souls
Once you reach The Reaper of The Labyrinth again, you must wait for the ValeSin to give his okay (meaning he’s ready) to take your final quest: Escort of Souls.
Two important things:
1) The chamber may have done his job, but if he’s fast he leaves the creatures he doesn’t have to kill, meaning there will be some foes lurking near the lab, they aren’t in aggro zone, but be careful nevertheless.
2) As soon as you take the quest (again, READ IT) 4 NPC New Souls will spawn next to you. You must lead these NPCs to the Vale. At the same time, in The Corridor (where ValeSin is waiting) a group of (20 or so) Mindblade Spectres spawns.
The New Souls have to follow you, so they’re sensitive to movement. Move in circular movement while having one of them clicked on (so their name appears on top of the screen, as if you wanted to cast a spell on them), this way they will not run towards other team members in the area (i.e. the ValeSin).
Wait until the ValeSin gives his go, then slowly (I recommend stepping backwards, to walk slowly) make your way down the stairs into the corridor. The ValeSin will have the Mindblade Spectres lured and balled up behind a pillar on the other side of The Corridor, so hug the wall to be sure you don’t aggro them.
Slowly make your way through The Corridor into The Vale, and lead the New Souls to Mayor Alegheri, that completes the quest!
Hint: If you call target on one of the Mindblades (“Ctrl & Space: I Am Attacking Mindblade Spectre!”) or any other foe, and then rapidly move, the New Souls will first run towards target (1 second) and then move back to you, this is a trick to makes them LOCK ON to you. So even if you don’t move and someone else does, they’ll still stick to you.
Important: if the ValeSin calls a target, they lock on to the ValeSin and run towards him (and all the Mindblade Spectres) and they will die, and you will fail (whole party dies, similar to when Reaper dies)
You’re done now!! You can teleport if someone failed (shit happens… a lot), or you can run back towards the Reaper of Lab, but I suggest what you do first is help your ValeSin finish off the Mindblades.
Additional Notes:
Don’t use SS on Mindblades, they will interrupt you 9 times out of 10 and 1 time out of 20 will break aggro to come after you. They will also hit you with degenerative spells if you come to close to them. So best thing to do is stand outside their range and spam AR and GDW on ValeSin. Slow but effective.
If you do die, before all quests are complete, you will resurrect when 10/10 quests are done. So if you know you’re dying, try to die in a place that when you resurrect, you won’t aggro anything and die again!
If you die after 10/10 quests are done but before you’ve gotten Underworld Chest (what it’s all about!), you should beg one of the sins to teleport to the Chaos Plains (using Reaper) and tell him to kill the Banished Dream Riders. This will trigger another automatic resurrection (Don’t ask me why or how they do that, I’m actually very curious as to why/how, so if anyone could answer that ).
Final Note:
I realize this guide is excruciatingly long and detailed, and that I should probably add screenshots to clarify some things, but I can’t be bothered at the moment.
You’re meant to read it once, then during your practice run with a friend, read it again step by step. That way you can visualize all the hints etc.
Also credit to THCS, I’ve gotten some of these “tricks” and “hints” from their forum.
Altough UWSC is a lot of fun, don’t think it will make you rich overnight. The margins are very small for valenecros: we get between 1 and 3 ectos a run (3 being rare) and we pay 1k entrance, if you have 3/10 failgroups (sadly that’s realistic with pugs) you only have an average profit of about 3.5 k a run (no I didn’t calculate that, it’s an estimate).
Goodluck and have fun, questions are welcome, so is criticism: open to suggestions, improvements.
Last edited by _Nihilist_; Aug 29, 2009 at 01:05 AM // 01:05..
Reason: changed erroneous references from BUH -> GDW and some copy-editing
Aug 22, 2009, 04:45 PM // 16:45
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Arkansas
Guild: Affliction Of Embers [AoE]
Profession: A/
Thanks for a great guide for UWSC!
Aug 22, 2009, 05:35 PM // 17:35
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Sep 2007
Profession: N/
You say 'Don't use BUH on the vale sin as he will be hurt by riposte'. Do you understand how BUH works or was that a mistake?
Otherwise nice guide. I disagree with some bits but nevermind.
Aug 22, 2009, 05:44 PM // 17:44
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: CA
Profession: N/
Great guide, might want to change some of the BUH to GDW. :P
EDIT = _Nihilist_
I changed them so that the guide made sense
Aug 22, 2009, 05:50 PM // 17:50
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: USA
Guild: Marked Souls [MkS]
Profession: E/N
Looks good. Looking forward to seeing the SS when you add them.
Aug 22, 2009, 05:51 PM // 17:51
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: England
Profession: A/
Nice detailed guide, and yeah you obviously did mean GDW on a lot of times when you said BUH =)
Since when did 20 midblades spawns for escort? it's a group of 3 and a group of 6 (could be 9, been a while since i did vale). And pushing "C" to get the target isn't always best, I generally go for one in the middle of the group, especially is the ball is bad.
Aug 22, 2009, 06:13 PM // 18:13
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Somewhere I belong
Profession: Mo/
Nice guide, although i still think vale is so intuitive that building a guide is a complete waste of time. Anyway i still repesct the Thread maker by his conctribuition!
Just 2 side, but important, notes about equipment:
1- Weapon Sets
weapon set 1: 40/40 curses set ----> use it while casting Spitefull Spirit or Chillblains for fast cast and for Half skill recharge
weapon set 2: 40/40 chanelling set -----> use it while casting Ancestors Rage or Spirit Rift
weapon set 3: +30hp +5e weapon and +10 ALvs. Slashing armor +30Hp shield ---> sometimes Attaxes and/or Grasping can come towards you, if vale sin tanks badly witch is not so rare in PUG groups. In this case its advisable to switch to this defensive set (you will gain +60 HP in overal and +10 Armor vs. Slashing dmg wich is precisely the dmg made by attaxes and graspings) and run far away without looking back.
weapon set 4: 40/40 restoration set ----> helps fast casting Flesh of my flesh. Not intirely necessary in most practical situations, but in theory it helps to speed up things.
This is the kind of equipment you should be using in thory! I mean, I presented you the correct equip for this vale necro build. If you want something cheaper, pls use at least a 40/40 curse set and the defensive set with +30hp weapon + +30hp shield with +10 AL vs Slashing dmg.
Pls, stop using staffs for spells that are not enchantments you would like to see being prolonged on your team mates or in yourself. If you are a Vale necro, you wont need a +15e/-1 Insc in a staff also, because you will get enough energy (From soul reaping) with the death of the mobs. Let a prot monk or a tainted necromancer (Taint as elite skill) use a +20%ench STAFF with 20% HCT INsc and 20% HCT Wraping on it, a vale necro mancer should always use a 20/20 wand + 20/20 offhand!
2 - Runes
Another thing you wont need (!!!!!!) is a superior curse rune! Personally i use curse head+minor curse rune and things ALWAYS go smothly in vale team. However you better have your necro equiped with FULL SURVIVOR INSIGNIAS AND The best vigor rune you can have (you should read a Superior vigor rune). I can asure you, from my vast experience in UWSC runs and in GW in general, that the dmg you will make is practically the same. In fact, with this build: OAhjYoHq4SripiOOeTVV5BQCXMA (same build CursedDeath gave us in his first thread) and with the equip i am sugesting you to use you can do <15mins runs as i have done it several times! You will only need practice and a decent vale sin (yeah i dont know how but still there are people failing in this simple rolle.... no ofense to anyone, but is true!)
I hope i have helped anyone with this post and i hope this guide contributes for a better pugging in UWSC teams in future.
gl all
Last edited by Xeng Suey; Aug 22, 2009 at 06:21 PM // 18:21..
Aug 22, 2009, 07:10 PM // 19:10
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Somewhere I belong
Profession: Mo/
Originally Posted by CursedDeath
By the way Xeng, you're right, perhaps Vale is intuitive, but this guide is meant for people who have rarely visited the underworld and have absolutely NO idea what UWsc as a necro means.
Thats why i conserve respect for you and apretiate your contribution!
Aug 22, 2009, 11:45 PM // 23:45
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Aussie land
Profession: Me/E
Originally Posted by CursedDeath
By the way Xeng, you're right, perhaps Vale is intuitive, but this guide is meant for people who have rarely visited the underworld and have absolutely NO idea what UWsc as a necro means.
First timer here.
Thanks a lot, I'm a necro and this would be so good for me to try.
Aug 23, 2009, 01:22 AM // 01:22
Academy Page
Join Date: Feb 2008
Profession: E/Mo
just another tip for the new necros: when you're leading the new souls in the last quest, target an enemy and hit ctrl+space. this will ensure that the souls only follow you and will make for a slightly easier trip. great guide though!
Aug 23, 2009, 11:59 AM // 11:59
Pre-Searing Cadet
Originally Posted by CursedDeath
Hint: If you call target on one of the Mindblades (“Ctrl & Space: I Am Attacking Mindblade Spectre!”) or any other foe, and then rapidly move, the New Souls will first run towards target (1 second) and then move back to you, this is a trick to makes them LOCK ON to you. So even if you don’t move and someone else does, they’ll still stick to you.
Important: if the ValeSin calls a target, they lock on to the ValeSin and run towards him (and all the Mindblade Spectres) and they will die, and you will fail (whole party dies, similar to when Reaper dies)
It's all in there
Aug 23, 2009, 05:16 PM // 17:16
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: [Pink]
Profession: R/
Some changes you should do:
4. Run [chamber]
Originally Posted by CursedDeath
This is the part where everyone runs off to do their job. The ValeSin will aggro two Aatxes and turn around, bodyblocking them from coming to you. Tell him to ping you when he’s ready, then run in, cast SS on each of them. Use SR to boost damage, and use AR on the Vale Sin. (If you don’t target ValeSin when you use AR, you will use it on yourself, that’s useless)
When Valesin go up, he will in 99.99% time have 3 aatxe [not considering that on end of the stairs then right, since there is no reason to aggro him]. After that 3, when you go up by stairs, usually 1 dying nightmare will apear. So 3 aatxe + 1 dn
Under :
d) The Forgotten Vale
i) Clearing The Vale
...I would like to say here on thing. When you get into Vale, valesin runs to aggro all graspings, i suggest then when you get on bridge, follow right down and be in corner there. Reason is that you can`t aggro anyone, and if ValeSin loose aggro [it happens] they can patrol whoole area but you will not get in their radar.
Grasping will STOP attackin when they are on 50% of hp. My suggestion is that valesin call target that have over 50% so necro can SS it.
For last thing, if 10/10 is done and you are dead, when someone kill banished that spawn another grop of mindblades, they will automaticly ressurect everyone.
Originally Posted by aga
And pushing "C" to get the target isn't always best, I generally go for one in the middle of the group, especially is the ball is bad.
It`s best using CTRL+SPACE (or however you customized it in your settings). Spirits don`t care for enemies, their AI is made if someone is attacking someone, they will lock on you. You can run almost off their radar and they will still follow you.
My conclusion: Thread maker did nice effort to put this thread, and congrats and good job! I have played with him few times, so I know it`s from experience (tho i have feeling i see some of my tips there too :P).
Nice effort. Really nice. I play with my necro a lot [It`s fun, because doing repetive areas all the time with sin can be boring], and I rather use builds such as n/me, n/r, n/p, n/mo then n/rt. I could post few skill bars so you can edit first post if you want
- Drizzt
Aug 23, 2009, 06:52 PM // 18:52
Academy Page
its can work on Rt/N to?
Aug 23, 2009, 07:07 PM // 19:07
Academy Page
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: University of Missouri
Guild: Shiverpeaks Search And Rescue [Lost]
Profession: N/
Originally Posted by Enable
its can work on Rt/N to?
That might cause Energy issues against the Tormented Souls. Also you wouldn't be about to use Signet of Lost Souls... I would stick to N/Rt
I think some of your safety precautions are pretty overkill and some of the tips people gave were pretty overkill. I would take Energy over Health in this run any day. If an aatxe breaks aggro he is going to kill you whether you have 30 more health or not considering their attacks hit for about 100+. Slightly different story with Graspings but again a little more health will not benefit you nearly as much as energy.
Last edited by -Will Farm For Gold-; Aug 23, 2009 at 07:09 PM // 19:09..
Aug 24, 2009, 05:49 AM // 05:49
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: [Pink]
Profession: R/
True that, I use curse +3, and SR +1 on my necro. I heard Rt/N can be faster then N/RT.
Cursed, I did
- Drizzt
Aug 24, 2009, 09:47 AM // 09:47
Pre-Searing Cadet
Originally Posted by -Will Farm For Gold-
That might cause Energy issues against the Tormented Souls. Also you wouldn't be about to use Signet of Lost Souls... I would stick to N/Rt
I think some of your safety precautions are pretty overkill and some of the tips people gave were pretty overkill. I would take Energy over Health in this run any day. If an aatxe breaks aggro he is going to kill you whether you have 30 more health or not considering their attacks hit for about 100+. Slightly different story with Graspings but again a little more health will not benefit you nearly as much as energy.
I agree 100%; if an Aatxe breaks aggro, he will deal so much damage you're dead in 3 hits, maybe 4 if you use Survivor Insignias and switch to a shield against Slashing damage.
So unless you can get creative and block them by say, cutting corners... you're pretty much effed.
Graspings don't hit that high damage, but they're incredibly annoying. Once they aggro you, they will keep on you like bees to honey, you have a very hard time shaking them off.
Energy > Health is my conclusion.
Aug 24, 2009, 03:54 PM // 15:54
Academy Page
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: University of Missouri
Guild: Shiverpeaks Search And Rescue [Lost]
Profession: N/
Hmm faster? Usually it is the Sin that cuts down on run time?? I can't see a Rt/N being too much faster cause I am just picturing them waiting on energy regeneration?? Idk though. I would like to see this build. Is there some sort of Ritualist skill similiar to Signet of Lost Souls for Energy management that I am not familiar with? Or is the Rit just really good at managing somehow? I am intrigued.
Aug 24, 2009, 08:36 PM // 20:36
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: [Pink]
Profession: R/
Originally Posted by -Will Farm For Gold-
Hmm faster? Usually it is the Sin that cuts down on run time?? I can't see a Rt/N being too much faster cause I am just picturing them waiting on energy regeneration?? Idk though. I would like to see this build. Is there some sort of Ritualist skill similiar to Signet of Lost Souls for Energy management that I am not familiar with? Or is the Rit just really good at managing somehow? I am intrigued.
Will ask my friend, he like to run RT/n when he get bored of necro. He said that, and he is trusty UWSCer for me, so I don`t think he lies. I`ll ask him.
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