Darkrime Delves (touchy)
So the other day I was sitting in Doomlore and I came across a guy spamming lfr Darkrime will pay 30k. Well this got my attention, so I decided to run it for him for 5k. I spammed 5k Darkrime and the run filled. I was using the normal perma build for the run (OwZlgQdpH+xjDJ9xjozQTWKWL2AhAB). So I get to lvl 3, everyone pays, we run to next shrine, and I move to kill end boss....then it happened.....rampant unholy feast spamms by the bloodcurdler jotuns. 83 dmg per touch spell was enough that I could not out heal it being spammed. Now in the past I have run this dungeon solo with all but 3 of the classes and nvr had this problem. I went and checked all the game updates back to October and found no changes to unholy feast or to jotuns. I was wondering if other ppl have noticed this? Was there an update note that I missed? I know an easy fix to this would be to go a/p for ctt and use 3 bu's, but who wants to use 3 bu's on Darkrime? Anyhow if anyone knows anything about this I'd appriciate being clued in. Thanks and take care!