Stack Prices
Just wondering thoughts on prices of PP and SP. I was of the mindset that sweets roughly go 120 per point(if they have no other use) and party range from 150-200 each.
I am mistaken?....It seems one would be lucky to get fruitcakes at 120each or snowman for 150each.
I conducted a small test in rata spamming wtb stacks at various prices.
A. Fruitcakes 30k per stack-0 responses
B. Fruitcakes 35k per stack-0 responses
C. Fruitcakes 40k per stack-0 responses
D. Fruitcakes 45k per stack-1 responses
E. Fruitcakes 50k per stack-3 responses
A. Snowmen 37.5k perstack-0 responses
B. Snowmen 40k per stack-0 responses
C. Snowmen 45k per stack-0 responses
D. Snowmen 50k per stack-2 responses
E. Snowmen 55k per stack-4 responses
I know that the rules of any economy should apply...but given there is no real stated market value(at least none I can find) for these items, I was wondering if there were anyways to govern prices?
Are there any better times during the day to which to purchase items?
Are there better places to buy items? (rata, la, kamadan excluded)It seems if one tries to purchase at fair prices, they will get out bid to point where vlue is lost, e.g. ppl buying sweets @ 200ea in rata.
Since sweets can be bought at merchants @ 200g per point indefinately That should keep their prices down, but is there something like that for party points? I know sparklers and bottle rockets can be acquired via 30 copper z coins and 10g each....but come on really?
Anyhow, this is my lil rant on sweets and party points since I'm already sick of trying to buy/farm these titles within reason.