Spiking question
hello all,
i got a maybe strange question for you guys:
i quitted some time ago but i'm back and i realised you could use 7 heroes.
my question is; i want to do elite areas with my sin (as a tank) , like a bonder and a healer or so, that leaves me with another 5 heroes. now what build of 5 heroes is the best to spike down quick and more or less flawless???
I was thinking of first searing flames; but i only got 3 eles , even tho necro's can do the job aswell...
also i tried to do Energy surge spike; using 2 mesmers and 3 necro's wich is quite ok but besides Esurge heroes don't really got efficient spiking skills...
i also combined spikes, like giving bonder famine so i can dege ntheir energy, so they don't got energy to spike, using Esurge for heroes and they go down quite good (as both me and heroes drain energy and F. dos damage aswell)
but they were not like cleaned in like seconds as real player spikes... anyone know few good hero build spikes? ofc no PvE skilsl can be used... and i got all heroes
o yea before i forget, it is best if you know like a build (i think Elite is enough to say) that it is Caster, as i think melee spikes wil ldistract foes and attack heroes, wich is not so healthy as i only got 1 healer :S