This skill is forever doomed to being unplayable, until it gets a buff somthing like: Duration: x...11 Recharge: 15s Increases Attack Speed by 25% or 33%, does +1...11 per hit.
A buff like that would make Dwarven Battle Stance playable in PvE, and maybe even seen in PvP, to a lesser extent. I don't think ANET wants to touch this skill though.
Even in a situation where this skill would be viable(2s+ non-spell skill being spammed by an NPC), somthing like Disrupting Chop on an Axe Warrior, or Distracting Shot on a Ranger, would be a non-elite single-skill way to accomplish the same thing, for twice as long. Even for general use of Hammer Warriors, Backbreaker+Hammer Bash, well timed, can do essentialy the same thing as Dwarven Battle Stance(assuming the ideal scenario for DBS), but can also be used to totaly shutdown and snare a foe with shorter cast times (for a shorter period of time, though), and be used more frequently, in addition to being able to use other skills while the target is knocked-down, like Crushing Blow to inflict Deep Wound, or a Defensive Stance to ease the burdon on your monks.