well its been a while since i did this run but thats pretty much the build i used except with tiger stance(well ig uness flail since i did it pre-nf) and galrath slash instead of standing slash and counterattack
same attributes as axe
same weapons except its a sword (duh!)
**however sword is MUCH slower than axe, b/c of the fact that cleave and pene chop are 4/5 adrenaline as well as cyclone is no adrenaline and adds dmg to multiple foes, and also helps u charge ur adrenal skills much quicker(especially if u do 6+ spiders at one time)
**DOYLAK SIGNET IS USELESS AND EXTREMLY UN-NEEDED, since physical+watch yourself is +60 armor vs physical meanging that spiders will ALWAYS do 0-1 dmg even with critical hits offer and u have no movement slowing, whereas the additional 11-16 armor from doylak will not change this dmg one bit!
well the OLDEST most effetive build for this is the Axe Spider Farmer:
Lack of IAS, I would immediately say that it isn't the most effective.
**DOYLAK SIGNET IS USELESS AND EXTREMLY UN-NEEDED, since physical+watch yourself is +60 armor vs physical meanging that spiders will ALWAYS do 0-1 dmg even with critical hits offer and u have no movement slowing, whereas the additional 11-16 armor from doylak will not change this dmg one bit!
11-16 armour from Dolyak? Perhaps in August 05 but the 9 strength you use would grant +28 AL.
My build for the W/Me build is
Penetrating Blow
"I Will Survive"
"Watch yourself"
dolyak sig
heal sig
phys resistence
cleave/whirling axe/triple chop
got about 11 str, 12 tacs, 10 or so in axe and rest in inspiration