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Old Dec 06, 2008, 07:09 PM // 19:09   #21
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Rits are great utility, as has been already mentioned skills like [splinter weapon] and [ancestor's rage] work wonders in PvE.

Something that hasn't been brought up yet is the Rit's synergy with [ursan blessing]. Set up a spirit tower with [pain][shadowsong][bloodsong][painful bond][summon spirits] and [ursan blessing], leaving you two more slots to add in some resurrection or a handy PvE skill like [pain inverter] or [finish him]. Move the tower with [summon spirits], enter [ursan blessing] and do some nice damage. This is great for HM because all of the spirit damage goes through armor.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 07:11 PM // 19:11   #22
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Originally Posted by LemonLame View Post
I've been reading through the forums in the Ritualist section, and it seems that they're lacking in most areas.
I find that a female rit in ancient armor or shing jea garb is certainly not lacking in any respects (try the /flute emote). In fact, the ritualist outclasses every other profession when used as a flotation device.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 07:14 PM // 19:14   #23
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Originally Posted by Ariena Najea View Post
Rits are great utility, as has been already mentioned skills like [splinter weapon] and [ancestor's rage] work wonders in PvE.

Something that hasn't been brought up yet is the Rit's synergy with [ursan blessing]. Set up a spirit tower with [pain][shadowsong][bloodsong][painful bond][summon spirits] and [ursan blessing], leaving you two more slots to add in some resurrection or a handy PvE skill like [pain inverter] or [finish him]. Move the tower with [summon spirits], enter [ursan blessing] and do some nice damage. This is great for HM because all of the spirit damage goes through armor.
no thank you
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 07:55 PM // 19:55   #24
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Something all those R/Rt splinter/barrage rangers don't really get is that a ritualist with the exact same skill set could easily do about 50% more damage on large groups. This works even without spending any points in Marksmanship, which frees up attribute points for support skills (restoration spells or spirits, for example). They can also use their high channeling magic to power Nightmare Weapon, which in combination with Triple Shot provides a 150+ pt spike of life stealing without any additional attribute investment.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 08:05 PM // 20:05   #25
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The bar used to be tight because of the use of pets for a minion wall, but now that that doesn't work, Rits would probably work better. They can basically run the normal Resto/Chan hyrbrid bar with only a need for [[volley]. I love rits so huge.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 08:20 PM // 20:20   #26
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i haven't played a rit, so i'm taking a stab here, but if anet buffed binding ritual times, would it make the rit better to play or overpowered? like instead of 3 or 5 second casting times, they were 1 or 2.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 08:30 PM // 20:30   #27
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Anyone who thinks (insert class here) is a joke obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. Every class has its merits, and can perform well in different situations. It's just that the playerbase is too stupid to know that, and prefer cookie-cutter stuff that's been proven to work even with the stupidest of players playing on it.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 08:48 PM // 20:48   #28
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Comes down to the Operator not the Class.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 08:59 PM // 20:59   #29
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Originally Posted by holymasamune View Post
Anyone who thinks (insert class here) is a joke obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. Every class has its merits, and can perform well in different situations. It's just that the playerbase is too stupid to know that, and prefer cookie-cutter stuff that's been proven to work even with the stupidest of players playing on it.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 09:07 PM // 21:07   #30
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Originally Posted by holymasamune View Post
Anyone who thinks (insert class here) is a joke obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. Every class has its merits, and can perform well in different situations. It's just that the playerbase is too stupid to know that, and prefer cookie-cutter stuff that's been proven to work even with the stupidest of players playing on it.
Amen to that. People will always flock to overly simplistic builds that even a blindfolded monkey could play, no matter how crappy the build might be.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 09:14 PM // 21:14   #31
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Originally Posted by Zidane Ortef View Post

Rits have somewhat of the same concept with infinite energy with the usage of [Offering of Spirit]
Sorry, but offering of spirit comes nowhere close to soul reaping, not even somewhat.

1) OoS is an elite that takes up a slot, SR is an attribute that every necro uses
2) OoS gets a max of 18 energy every 15 seconds, SR gets a max of 48 energy every 15 seconds.

OoS is good energy management on a ritualist, but certainly does not give ritualists close to infinite energy.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 09:20 PM // 21:20   #32
Emo Goth Italics
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Originally Posted by Arkantos View Post
1) OoS is an elite that takes up a slot, SR is an attribute that every necro uses
2) OoS gets a max of 18 energy every 15 seconds, SR gets a max of 48 energy every 15 seconds.
I'd like to point out that OoS also requires 5 energy and has a chance to be interrupted (never mind how little) in certain areas. It can have its recharge manipulated still, however.

I'd probably go with a Necro considering that what a Ritualist can do other professions can do more efficiency in some places, but a Splinter Weapon at 14 and above spec can really have a large impact on the damage capabilities of your party.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 09:23 PM // 21:23   #33
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Soul Reaping>all other energy mgmt.

...but most of us knew that already. Let's just hope it doesn't rear it's ugly head in GW2.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 09:32 PM // 21:32   #34
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Originally Posted by holymasamune View Post
Anyone who thinks (insert class here) is a joke obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. Every class has its merits, and can perform well in different situations. It's just that the playerbase is too stupid to know that, and prefer cookie-cutter stuff that's been proven to work even with the stupidest of players playing on it.
So tell us what the rit is good at.
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 10:14 PM // 22:14   #35
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Originally Posted by The Thrasher View Post
Too true.

I think this is the reason why the most popular professions are Warriors and Monks. Anyone can use them with little effort. I’m not dumping on these classes, but both are relatively easy to use. Everyone and their mother has a warrior. With hardly anything to really think about you can just auto-attack and spam adrenal skills.

Now when people get to playing more complicated classes, they get confused. They'll say, "Wait, if I use a Mesmer I have to target certain enemies and actually look at the skills they're using???" IMO Mesmer, Ritualist and the Paragon take the most effort (if you call it effort) to use. Paragon is by far the least used. Sure they are kinda imbalanced atm, but people feel frightened when they have to adjust their build to what's coming up next or who's in the party. (Mind you, the imbagon is an all-around, useful for anything build, but it's just another reason the paragon is in need of a change)

After some people try these types of professions, they'll go back to playing their pet prof., knowing it’s just easier to use.
Considering Frenzy is the most balanced skill in the game, I do believe your claim that Warriors don't take skill is wrong. You really don't know what your talking about on the account of skillful profession usage - I mean, I can say Ranger takes more skill than Mesmer because there's line of sight introduced in their interrupting. The same about Warriors in your post can be said about Paragons by the way. (Oh, and I'm not starting an argument here on skillful profession usage, just placing a small observation into words)
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 10:15 PM // 22:15   #36
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Originally Posted by holymasamune View Post
Anyone who thinks (insert class here) is a joke obviously doesn't know what they're talking about. Every class has its merits, and can perform well in different situations. It's just that the playerbase is too stupid to know that, and prefer cookie-cutter stuff that's been proven to work even with the stupidest of players playing on it.
stupidest - gg.
You go on and on about how everyone is dumb and then you say "stupidest". E-P-I-C
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 10:34 PM // 22:34   #37
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since when is stupidest not a word?
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 10:34 PM // 22:34   #38
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Originally Posted by Ratson Itamar View Post
stupidest - gg.
You go on and on about how everyone is dumb and then you say "stupidest". E-P-I-C
lol if you wanna look cool bashing someone's grammar ( masamune in this case, who has a huge reputation btw) be sure to google it before, you might want to avoid epic fails like the one you just did. Stupidest is not a mistake, it's the superlative form. I thought someone fitting the adjective meaning as perfectly as you do would at least know the spelling. Btw dictionary.com is your friend.

Back in topic, I was sure the best form of energy management was a smart player but I might be wrong

To the guy bashing wars and monks, no they aren't the easiest classes to play, they are among the hardest.

To the other guy wanting to know what ritus do better than necros, for starters they can buff up party dmg better than necros/rt. And for energy if you're smart you won't spam skills mindlessy, usually my pve battles end up before I've burned half of my energy pool. I'd rather take a mark of pain/barbs curses necro over a n/rt for casual pve, so things would die even faster. All of this with the shittiest among primaries.

Last edited by Keira Nightgale; Dec 06, 2008 at 10:40 PM // 22:40..
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 10:36 PM // 22:36   #39
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Originally Posted by Arkantos View Post
Sorry, but offering of spirit comes nowhere close to soul reaping, not even somewhat.

1) OoS is an elite that takes up a slot, SR is an attribute that every necro uses
2) OoS gets a max of 18 energy every 15 seconds, SR gets a max of 48 energy every 15 seconds.

OoS is good energy management on a ritualist, but certainly does not give ritualists close to infinite energy.
Ive played my rit for a good long while and by using OoS ive never ran out of nrg your your spaming skills to keep people alive or to do mass dmg your doing it wrong and need to find a different game imo.

Most only spec 9 into soulreaping 9*3=27 every 15 seconds not 48

48/3=16 nobody runs 16 in soulreaping.

Most builds based with necros, I.E. sabway, discord way abuse soulreaping to win because people dont want to use builds that dont involve spamming skills to win.

Which is why ursan was nerfed cuz it was 123,123,123 win
Same reason why I for see a nerf to Cry of Pain because it again is a call hex and press 3 keys and win set up.

Originally Posted by Keira Nightgale
Back in topic, I was sure the best form of energy management was a smart player but I might be wrong
You are absolutely correct +1 for you have learn one thing that many players don't understand.

Last edited by Zidane Ortef; Dec 06, 2008 at 10:40 PM // 22:40..
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Old Dec 06, 2008, 10:37 PM // 22:37   #40
Emo Goth Italics
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Originally Posted by Keira Nightgale View Post
Back in topic, I was sure the best form of energy management was a smart player but I might be wrong
That's really only a segment of the equation, at least to yours truly.
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