If they are set to dove, they will not use their melee weapons, but they will also no use any offensive energy management. This is not such a big deal as they can easily be replaced by "passive" energy managment like Glyph of Lesser Energy.
"Well that sucks" I hear you say, but wait there's more to the story. The enemy ai decides what spells to use and what ones not to use based on the weapon being held by their opponents. For example, you can guarentee that Dunkuro will never ever have shroud of silence cast on him by giving him a melee weapon. Equally, you can make bad guys wast thier time casting ward against melee when there are no melee threats around.
IMO The benefits of given them an axe/sword outweighs the loss of powerdrain/leachsig.
Note: I haven't tested the AI with spears, but its quite possible that you could have the best of both worlds by using that instead of a sword/axe.