Solo The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx with Elementist no glitch
This was pretty simple even with some basic skills to solo Mallyx with only Heroes. Picture Attached of a basic build that I used. Did it on the first try. Just make sure you kill the four priests and keep them down starting left to right as soon as cut scene starts. Of course dont use the enchants or hex when fighting mallyx. Every spawn kill them before going back at Mallyx. Only attack Mallyx when everything else is down. You will wear him down and complete it without door glitch. I only believe in winning fairly. If you use a conset its really easy...
I am looking for a build for a team of heroes and just me to do the quests in the DoA. You know the mad rush for GW2 titles =) I only need 2 more pieces of armor and I fail everytime i go in those areas. Your pic is too small, I can't make out the builds. Would love more info if someone wouldn't mind =)