What does the dervish mean for the elementalist?
Well, from what I have read, I picture the dervish being a pbaoe type character. In a way this is good for the elementalist, because that pretty much assures that there will be a lot of mob groups in ch3 (nice for nukers). However, I think this class pretty much kills the geomancer as an offensive profession. Because this character is a melee-type character, he will have better armor than the elementalist, and we know that he will have protection and healing abilities. I think overall this is bad. Water is already pretty much a support build, and earth, already on the verge of turning into an all out support build, is pretty much so situational (no mesmers around!) that it is only good for its wards. Air really isn't that effective in PvE, so it appears that fire will still be the way to go in ch3, unless the new skills drastically change things.