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Old Dec 16, 2011, 12:46 PM // 12:46   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
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Default Some basic questions about Dervish / game

Hi everyone

Started playing again GW after long time when only prophecies were around so have some questions i did not find answer about on forum / google.

So first thing i noticed is that most skills i need to buy rather than receive them through quests as was before.
Now so far i only noticed i unlock new skills when i receive heroes so my question is how and / or where i can unlock more? Just following Nightfall story and new skill trainers in new towns will offer better skills for purchase?

2.) If i move to Prophecises zones and start doing quests there with active second profession like ele, monk, etc will i be able to pick old quests from where i can unlock some of old skills? (for professiosn i did nto play)

3.) 3 runn speed increase skills each giving diferent bonus (25%, 33% and 50%) do not stack correct? Are there exceptions to this?

4.) To quickly explore and unlock Prophecies zones with my dervish best option is to get monk as secondary so while running im able to remove hexes, etc and heal myself?

This is all for now so i hope some veteran players can give me some info about this.

-Oh yea one more thing. I am doing survival title and noticed there is PvP style game for Wintersday thats all about snowball fights. Now i was wondering if you can die there and if so will that reset my XP towards survival titles?

Thanks again all
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Old Dec 16, 2011, 01:50 PM // 13:50   #2
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Hey welcome back.

Yes you buy skills these days as you progress through the game. Later areas have better skills to buy. There are also hero skill trainers where you can spend 'skill points' to get a skill for your heros to use. If you then want to use it, u'd need to buy a skill book (usually pretty cheap).

The game is all about heros these days. Getting 7 should be your primary focus (people like 2 mes, 2 nec, 2 rits, monk + yourself).

Sadly prophesies is outdated; items are better in the other areas of the game and it takes a LONG time to run from Lion's arch back into ascalon city if you started in Factions or NF.

EoTN is pretty fun, and both it and NF have the best heros.

I think run speeds do not stack, yes

good luck
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Old Dec 16, 2011, 03:06 PM // 15:06   #3
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Finish NF first. Heroes are the soul of the game. You will need all the Avatars for your Dervish at some point. Avatar of Dwayna. removes a hex each time you cast a flash enchant. If you are accompanied by Melonni with Avatar of Melandru, she will remove a condition each time she loses an enchantment. Between the two you can stay relatively free of hexes and conditions.

Check hero skill trainers in each town. You get hero skill points and can train new skills for your heroes for free. Hero skill trainer in Kamadan in top category will also give you Sunspear Faction Skills, supported by Sunspear rank.

You can get them for your secondary too, with a Necromancer secondary, Necrosis is very good.

Yes, put on a secondary and old quests will give you a skill for them if the quest gives that skill.

As said above, the party is the heart and soul of it. Put together a good party and you will utterly crush all those who dare oppose you.
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Old Dec 16, 2011, 09:50 PM // 21:50   #4
Lion's Arch Merchant
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1.) In Factions/Nightfall, yes, you will have to purchase most skills. That's part of the reason quests tend to reward both more experience and more money in Factions/Nightfall than they do in Prophecies. More skills (I wouldn't like to say 'better' seems even some of the skills you can get in Kamadan are very good skills) will become availiable from the various skill trainers as you progress through the campaign.

2.) Yes, you will still be able to pick up any post-Lion's Arch Prophecies quests to learn skills for your secondary class as a Dervish if your secondary class is one of the 6 core classes (Warrior, Ranger, Monk, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist). However, the skill quests that take place before a Tyrian character arrives at Lion's Arch (those in Ascalon and the Northern Shiverpeaks) will be unavailiable to you.

3.) Run speeds don't stack above 33% I believe, though one skill can go over that limit by itself. You can also still stack run speeds buffs in order to counter Cripple or snare Hexes, up to a max speed of 33%, though it's probably not worth the bar space when you could just bring a more universal condition/hex removal instead.

4.) Not really. Dervish is a very effective runner on it's own skills anyway. There's a little elite skill called Vow Of Silence which can be maintained permanently, round the clock, and makes any spells unable to be cast upon you. This of course means that the enemies won't be able to target you with snare Hexes to begin with.

The downside, is that it prevents you from casting spells yourself too...which means you won't be able to use any Monk-based condition removal, nor some of your own run spells. Therefore I'd recommend either a Paragon or Ranger secondary to remove Cripple from yourself should it fall upon you via Signet (Remedy Signet or Antidote Signet, respectively) and there Shout and Stance based run skills which you'll be able to use despite Vow of Silence, being as they aren't spells. You'll also get some extra healing options from Paragon, and some extra damage mitigation options from Ranger. You could also go Warrior secondary for some anti-knockdown or some other run stances, or Assassin for some very good run stances, and also shadowsteps if you feel like using Shadow Form for spell immunity instead of Vow of Silence.

Of course, if you have Eye of the North and don't mind playing a little ways into it, another simple solution is to get the Norn PvE only skill "I'am Unstoppable!", removing any need for a secondary at all (though going Paragon secondary for Enduring Harmony might still help) which is a shout (so can be used through Vow Of Silence), offers immunity to Cripple (and it'll remove it if it's already on you), immunity to knockdown, and extra armour as a bonus, all in one skill.

Dwarven Stability, another PvE only skill, can also be very helpful for running, and can be used with any profession. It's especially useful with some booze to go with it.

Hope that helps.

Last edited by KotCR; Dec 16, 2011 at 10:21 PM // 22:21..
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Old Dec 18, 2011, 11:37 AM // 11:37   #5
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Dec 2011
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Hey all, some really nice info so needed to log in to say thanks. Yep il stick with Nightfall for now. Than move to EotN and lastly prophecies and factions.
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