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Old Jun 11, 2012, 06:53 PM // 18:53   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
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Default Dervishes in an underworld party

I'm trying to organize an UW run with some friends, and I was wondering if there's some kind of build better than a standard AOE derv build. From what I've read up on it, seems like there are specific roles that need to be there. I was thinking of bringing Avatar of Dwayna and maybe Imbue Health, but should I just leave that kind of thing to the infusers?
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Old Jun 11, 2012, 08:16 PM // 20:16   #2
Frost Gate Guardian
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If you are capable of playing a decent support healer then by all means go for it. But, overall, dervs are the aoe damage, and if you dont have sins or wars, the tank.
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Old Jun 11, 2012, 09:06 PM // 21:06   #3
Wilds Pathfinder
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if going into UW with just friends, don't worry too much, the specifick roles are only needed in speed clears. Any balanced team of good players can finish UW as long as you have at least one player that knows how the quests works and everyone who doesn't listens to the person instead of just clicking quests.

The rest is all a matter of time and experience. speedclears with experienced players and specifick teambuilds take less then one hour, while with an unexperienced group with any kind of profession or build it can take up to 4 hours or even more
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Old Jun 11, 2012, 11:02 PM // 23:02   #4
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by Godard Rivedin View Post
I'm trying to organize an UW run with some friends, and I was wondering if there's some kind of build better than a standard AOE derv build. From what I've read up on it, seems like there are specific roles that need to be there. I was thinking of bringing Avatar of Dwayna and maybe Imbue Health, but should I just leave that kind of thing to the infusers?
Akelarumi is right - you don't need specific roles to complete UW. Mostly specific roles are just in speed clears, as they make the whole run considerably faster (it is a speed clear, after all). A balanced team with good support in addition to good damage is capable of completing the UW, provided the players know what they're doing. The best teacher is simply experience. Very few people make it through UW on their first run; you have to know in which order to do things (THE WIKI IS YOUR FRIEND - read up on the quests and the strategies to completing them in the easiest and most efficient manner), when (if necessary, it generally isn't unless its a speed clear) to split your party and what each portion should do, and of course where to go. It wouldn't be good to wander aimlessly around trying to complete one quest, now would it?

As for the AoD/Imbue Health build you were talking about, there's nothing really wrong with bringing a build like that, especially if among friends. But I think you should weigh what you can bring to the table with your build against what a monk (or really any other healer, like a rit) can bring. Do you think your Imbue Health build can do a better job healing than your friend (or a hero, if going that route) can on a monk? If so, then run that. But if you don't think so, then it's probably a better idea to just go with a damage build and leave the healing/support to others. Another thing that should be considered is whether or not you would enjoy playing an AoD/Imbue Health build. If you won't have fun, its not worth doing. It's a game; you should have fun.

So really, there is no specific role you need to fill. With knowledge/experience almost any balanced team can complete UW. Running an AoD heal build would be fine, but it may be best to leave that to the monks, it depends. And most of all, have fun. It'll likeley take you several hours (anywhere from 2-4+) and if you don't enjoy it then it could feel much, much, longer.

Hope this helped
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Old Jun 12, 2012, 03:56 PM // 15:56   #5
Forge Runner
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As well as wiki take a look at - its a bit outdated on 2 or 3 quests as it was written before the big uw changes a year or 2 ago.But it will serve as a rough guide to quests and what you will face.It may have been written for .. i think 55 mo and ss necro duo team but ignore that as its been a bible to me for info on uw and ive used it to farm there with several diff chrs and alliance teams for fun.
It contains maps , routes etc and with the use of wiki the 2 or 3 quests that changed can be revised upon.
I think one quest was unwelcome guests - where you had to kill the keeper , anet i think made it a bit easier to do and the other quest i can think of that changed was the snowman one with the dryders - if you check wiki an the link you will know what i mean.The snowman one they changed the foes spawns making it a bit harder - before they used to spawn all together in 1 place and quite easy to farm.
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