I'd run you for 24k, 4k for the consumable, 20k profit.
Payment terms:
Sunspear Sanctuary - start
Gate of Desolation - nothing
Remains of Sahlahja - 14k
Basalt Grotto - 5k
Jennur's Horde - 5k
Tihark Orchard - nothing
The Kodash Bazaar - nothing
The reason why payments are set as such is because anyone can do...
Sunspear Sanctuary > Gate of Desolation
Jennur's Horde > The Kodash Bazaar
...with both eyes closed. The real run begins from...
Remains of Sahlahja > Jennur's Horde
...and besides, reaching Remains of Sahlahja across the desolation without a wurm will be proof enough to ensure you that this task can be accomplished.
Let me know if you are interested in the run.
ign: Sarah Arano