Possible New service idea .. Tag Along ..
So I was sitting here thinking to myself about how to do UW/FoW runs and whatnot. For starters, I prefer my W/Mo over anything. I tried getting into other classes, but I just don't like any others. On top of that, it's hard enough, if even possible, to constantly just find others players and run UW/FoW. Also, I'm not in a guild, and have no R/L friends that play, so no friends to run with. Then, I thought of this.
Say you have a 2/3 man group, preferrably people of the same guild who work together well and can run these places no problem. What if .. say I paid 5-10P (just a random shoot) to join this party, and stayed out of the way completely? Kind of like "gambling drops." If I get some drops for me, yay for me. If nothing, better luck next time.
Didn't see this anywhere before, figured maybe I would run this idea by you guys. Yes, I'm up for doing this, provided the price is decent and there is a chance for me to make a profit.