Radiant's Spider Capturing Service
A spider capturing service for prices extremly low.
Alright as you know, me and my friend offer a service to take you through Underwold to capture black vidow. Enterance will be paid by us, and this service usualy takes from 20-40 minutes.
-You will meet us in either Temple of Ages or preffereably Zin ku Korridor.
-You must hae a charm animal skill to capture your pet
-If you already have a pet you will have to gave it to a tamer so you can capture a new one
-The capturing costs 20k, 10k to me, 10k to my friend
-The money is given before killing the last mob where the spider is as usualy
-You keep any drops that are dropped to you, wepons, everything!
-We would however appreciate if you would give us droped ectoplasms, but that is your choice
-Most important, you should listen to us at all times and there won't be any problems.
This service is 99% times succesfull, so we belive trust is very important. We aren't cheaters, it's bad for reputation to cheat you and we have no use form it.
If you want a certian type of pet it will cost you extra 10k to each!
Also we are offering a skill capturing service, we will capture any skill you desire in cantha for mere 6.5k!
That would be all!
You can whisper in-game: Kenji Jamure and Azame Laucian, for information, and if you want to arrange a run then post here. Thanks in advance!