Looking for free High End Chest Runners
As the title suggests, Im looking for free high end chest runners only ... chests with keys = 1.5k ... Im collecting items from the higer end regions and hoping to get good ones with a lil luck ... areas I'm wanting chest runs r:
Urgoz Warden
I can prolly supply an almost endless supply of keys, as long as the items dropd can help fund more keys ... only thing is that I want to be there, reason being that I get so mad and jealous of other party members getting the "good" drops while i get "grapes" ... Im a good runner and have DoA, inexp there though, but learn quickly ... I have a B/P or Tap Ranger and I think monk for Urgoz ... and I have a Nuker for Steel Wall group ... Im willing to supply up to 3 other chest runners at a time, maybe even more if we establish a trusting relationship ...
If interested plz post a reply here first with IGN ... Im generally free 7 days a week about in the evening to late night hours, 7pm-1am ... Im on "Do Not Distrub" in the wee hours of the night to daytime in my epic battles against the Charrs ... ty in advance ...