WTB rep point farmer
I Hate farming; its just not my cup of tea. And even if filling books cant be described as farming, it starts to feel like it after awhile-.-.
So, I want to 'buy' a point farmer for the asura, ebon vanguard, norn and deldrimor titles.
[B]I will pay 1g per point[B]. The payment its negotiable, and even if 1g might seem like a small sum, 100kpoints=100k money=).
I would like to be afk while you farm, and can carry a vamp weapon if youre planning to die=P.
ATM I have:
108k del points
72k asura points
15k ebon and norn points.
Please post here or contact me in game (Elnore Varda) if you feel like helping me and earn some cash=)