Offering Korean Guild Creating Services!
i am offering korean guild making services, i can make you a korean guild with/without korean name/tag
i can make guild using
Korean and English
can only include numbers, korean characters, and english letters
if name includes a number IT MUST include at lease one korean character!
I make korean guilds for 30K..!!!
please do not haggle the guild price, the price is strict!
trade goes like this...
i make guild you want me to...
i send you guild invite
you come to Aschalon ID1 and pay 30k
i then put you as leader
The Price is high because of the rarity of korean guilds out there and because ive met ppl that make jap/china guilds for 50k!
if you are intresited in me making you a guild PM ME ingame!
ign is "Death Hoplite" im usually never on that toon
thx! cya!