Smeagol's Triple Drop Zaishen Service!
Hey there guys.I have decided to increase my Zaishen Rank as high as possible, looking to get to r11 or possibly r12. The way this service works is very similar to the others. I have no interest in scamming anyone and I have people who will vouch for me if anyone would like to speak with them, I am purely interested in increasing this title, if you are weary of getting scammed you can view my other threads or as this thread continues you can view feedback left here. Now down to business. I will be offering two options for my Zaishen Service Look forward to doing business.
Option 1: Triple Drop. For each zkey you give me, I will use your zkey as well as two zkeys of my own, thus resulting in three drops. You keep all drops. (For example, if you give me 20 keys to use, that would result in you getting 60 drops. After I use all keys I will map out and you will be able to pick up anything you desire. Should you happen to disconnect or any other mishap to occur while picking up drops I am not held responsible.
Option 2: Ecto Exchange. For every two (2) zkeys you give me, I will give you one (1) ecto. I will then use the keys. You keep all drops. After I use all keys I will map out and you will be able to pick up anything you desire. Should you happen to disconnect or any other mishap to occur while picking up drops I am not held responsible.
If you are interested in using this service to increase your zkey output please post in this thread, I will be checking it daily. If you have questions please feel free to send me a guru pm or contact me in game: "Smeagol Lol". Thank you!