UNiD Buying Service~Decent Rates~
Looking for UNiD sellers (until i get max) I'm currently on 4,233 / 10,000
So here are my rates of pay
1) 7 Unid = 6k (If you become a perma seller @ this rate it may rise)
2) 7 Unid = 3k (I Identify the golds then give them back to you all with mods on)
3) 14 Unid = 1e (+/- cash depending on trader price)
I am on GMT timezone, please post here or PM me via guru if you have any quieres or if you're selling me some UNiDs!
IGN 1) Wouldnt Dare Be You 2) Mini Gambit
Above are my main 2 accounts please PM me IG on either of them.
Thank you for reading my post