i need a +40-45 life while enchanted and -2 dmg received while enchanted.
I will not offer more then 100k for a shield like this so don't even post until its lower-equal or a little more.
Guild: Dead Presidents [Prez] Formely Known As [Milk]
Profession: W/Mo
Originally Posted by 55_thunder
i need a +40-45 life while enchanted and -2 dmg received while enchanted.
I will not offer more then 100k for a shield like this so don't even post until its lower-equal or a little more.
Post type and stats (or pic) and price
You will not get a rare shield with those stats for 100k or even close. You can get malinons for that or under but most rares with the crappiest req and grpahic would still fethc upwards of 300k or more.