WTS: Mini Pet Collection
I've grown bored of some of my minipets, so I thought, why not try and make some much needed money from them.
Anyway, here's what I have to offer:
Jungle Troll X2 (5k Each)
Whiptail Devourer X2 (3k Each)
Fungal Wallow (5k)
Seige Turtle (10k)
Pig (2k)
Heket (S/B 25k - B/O 35k)
Juggernaut (S/B 25k - B/O 35k)
Temple Guardian (10k)
IGN: Pangarna Omega
I'm willing to trade for the following:
Mini Varesh/Rurik/Shiro
Of course, the amount of minipets you get for those mentioned above, relies entirely on their value.
E.g Offer me a rurik and get anything with a combined value of 40k
Same goes with Varesh and Shiro