Old School Platinum and Plaugueborn Staves...
Any ideas on these 4 items?
1. r9 Smiting Zodiac Staff - non-inscribable
20% recharge of all - 20% Casting on all Healing Prayers
2. r10 Smiting Zodiac Staff - non-inscribable
20% recharge of all - 10% cast time of all
3. r9 Curses Plaugueborne Staff - non-inscribable
20% recharge of all - 20% Casting on all Blood Magic
Also any ideas on this one?
4. r9 Smiting Smiting Staff - non-inscribable
20% recharge of all - 20% casting time on all Divine Favor
Any PCs are appreciated as always!! Thanks in advance to all who can PC these for me!