PC q10 colossal pick, 15^50 fixed, some others
I appreciate everyone's assistance with these price checks.
Fixed inscription, all gold
1. q10 colossal pick +15^50
2. q10 runic axe +15/stance
3. q10 golden phoenix blade +20/under 50%
4. q11 golden phoenix blade +15 vs hexed
5. q11 golden maul +15^50
Inscribable, all gold
6. q9 ornate spear
7. q9 jade sword
8. q10 eternal flame wand
9. q10 elegant scythe
10. q10 sickle
11. axe grip of deathbane +20% vs undead
12. axe grip of giantslaying +20%
13. axe grip of trollslaying +20%
14. sword pml of dragonslaying +19%