15>50 are desirable swords. Low reqs help, too. But true value? With high end items its all a matter of the time you take to market and sell it and a little bit of luck finding people who want it. Wingblades are not super popular, but I bought one once from a guy who had spent hours in lion's dist 1 trying to sell a 15>50 wingblade for 100K with no luck. I offered 80K and he accepted. Less than an hour later I was in a different area and saw someone specifically spamming looking for a 15>50 wingblade, so I sold him the one I had just bought for well over 200K (his offer). Nothing like tripling your money with no effort. Mostly its a matter of luck and timing. I think that little transaction probably represented both extremes of the value of a 15>50 wingblade.
I'll give you 100K for yours if you want to get rid of it.
As for the 15% enchanted: those tend to be nice swords, but worth much less because (1) enchantments get stripped away, (2) not all builds and teams use enchantments, and (3) collectors have max +15% enchanted swords (req 9), so the value there I would say is probably about half or a third that of the 15>50 sword.