No skin dropping is rarer than the other if they come from the same chest, guild wars chests aren't biased, however chests in different campaigns have different chances due to the amount of possibilities. Eg. Proph chests drop core skins + specific items that surround the area, Factions chests drops core skins from the campaign + core skins + specific items that surround the area and so on, this is why in factions the items such as jugs, paper fans, dragons, bo's, platinums(these are all core skins in the faction campaign) + shit loads more are harder to find because they compete with core skins + the specific skin from the mob it is surrounded by, they all have an equal chance of dropping.
What i am trying to say is that this applies to keyless chests, everything has an equal chance of dropping and krytan's in purple form aren't harder or easier to get than a crystalline or any other skin that is still available in proph + core.